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Please enlighten me

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by dddaver, Oct 27, 2011.

  1. I was reading the one about that kid who wanted to join the Army but said he had a"script". Then people said if he had a card then he had no chance. I'm confused. I thought a "script" was just a doctors recommendation whereas a "card" meant he had applied to be on some database. I'm confused. Could someone please enlighten me, or is this one off topic in YOUR opinion? :)
  2. That is essentially how it works in California. Each state has its own laws regarding MMJ.

    In CA a "recommendation" comes from a physician and you are not placed in a state controlled database. If you take your recommendation and use it to obtain a state ID card then you will be put into a state controlled database.

    If you specify which state your are inquiring about you may get answers from someone knowledgeable about that state's laws.
  3. Perfectly reasonable question. Basically since the military operates in states and countries that don't have mmj laws, nor do they want to compromise units ability to function, controlled substances are not exactly ideal unless you've been injured while in service, then they provide all the morphine and such.

    While you can have a script from a doctor, and/or a card, it's state dependent on if you go on a controlled substances list. More so, the military would probably want a comprehensive list of what medications your on since it's not your typical job.

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