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Please don't let my baby die :(

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Vexus, Aug 24, 2007.

  1. So shes about 2 weeks+ old and I moved it indoors because it was getting cold out.. it got infested with thrips and what not so I've been spraying it with garlic/dishsoap now the next day its all saggy and looks like it might want to die.

    Is that combination safe? I will be moving it back outside today because it was 95f in the grow box and the bug infestation is too much.
  2. That's a lot of stress on a baby.

    gl alex
  3. Its starting to die.. I transplanted it into different soil and flushed it.. hopefully it survives.. I'll be really sad if it dies. :(

    What are the chances it will recover?
  4. No telling Vexus. It's up to the pot gods.

    gl alex

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