Please do not vote for john mccain!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ziggyshugenadz, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. What you mean months? according to wikipedia, which was in the top ten on a google search for just "obama", he's been in polotics at LEAST 11 years, and that's in the second paragraph.

    Experiance being a bitch is NOT the same as less experiance doing the right thing.

  2. Ya but you can see a city councilman has been in politics for 11 years...doesnt meant he knows how to be president.

  3. He knows as well as mccain does. I know how to be president, and am more tactful than mccain is, if you haven't heard about some of the public slips he makes.... and then denies after half the internet sees videos of them....

    Mccain is a moron, obama is less so. That's what counts. They both know enough about polotics to be president with no problem, it's who will fuck the country over. if they have experiance but the wrong aim, it's no better. Hitler was a very experianced leader, did it make him right for the job?

  4. To bad he ain't gonna win huh?

  5. Really you think if Iran launched a nuclear attack you would know what to do or not under pressure? you have people telling you one thing and the other people saying do the other. Your countries safety is in the balance. Would you know how to make the right decision under the pressure of 300 million people? No because you are not a Washington D.C. politician, nor am I, nor is anyone on this board.

    Hitler and John McCain are totally different. Don't compare the two. Don't even compare politics to now. Things are very different.
  6. No thread with this content will change anyone's mind...hopefully. The thing I love about the whole "experience" issue, is, where did all of this experience get us so far? Is that really supposed to scare us away from desiring something different rather than the "tried and true?"
  7. Sorry but in today's world, with Russia yearning for the good ole days of nuclear tensions, and some crazy fucker in Iran that wants to bring about the second coming of the 12th Mahdi by causing nuclear apocalypse, thees no second guessing, no time for experimentation.
  8. First of all, Russia isn't yearning for anything, Georgia started those attacks, Russia retaliated. If anyone's creating cold war tensions it's us by allowing our media to paint such a one-sided picture.

    Secondly, let's consider a hypothetical situation in which Iran launches a nuke (something I think it will never do). John McCain, even though he was a p.o.w in Vietnam, is not going to be able to pull some master plan out of his ass to somehow save the world. The U.S would be just as fucked as if Obama was president.

    And lastly, since you do believe that the world is a pretty messed up place right now, why would you want McCain to come in and continue all of this isolationist bullshit. Our only hope for good international diplomacy comes through actually engaging in diplomacy- something Obama would do.

  9. winnar
  10. my message
  11. I'm not praising Russia for invading Georgia; bloodshed is bloodshed. All I'm saying is this is bloodshed that we need not concern ourselves with, otherwise the blood that's shed might be our blood.

    I suppose I used the term isolationist a bit loosely, but what I meant by it is that Obama is more eager to open up discussions with countries that McCain isn't (i.e Iran). I think it's important that we start diplomacy with these people otherwise they'll forever be the radicals and we'll forever be the infidels.

    And concerning the whole nuclear scenario, I seriously doubt McCain would handle the situation better. Why? Because if Iran launches a nuke, all other countries with nukes will retaliate towards some country be it Iran, Israel, the US, Russia, etc. Essentially what I mean is if one nuke is launched, that's the end of the world. We're all fucked.
  12. Congratulations, you have bought in to the Republican fear mongering machine.

    Remember the last time some crazy fucker in Iraq wanted to bring about the second coming of....whatever it was you were talking about? I don't think we even need to go in to that, but suffice to say it was exactly the same discussion. "If we don't go in to Iraq, we're going to be bombed, don't you guys see that?!!!"

    Mccain actually helped instigate the current situation between Georgia and Russia. Mccain's chief foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, and and a close business partner were paid by the Georgian government to lobby John Mccain. When the shit went down, the Georgians asked Mccain himself for help believing that he would help bring about action to back them.

    Also consider that the Cold War didn't end militarily, it ended diplomatically, something Mccain ain't big on.

    And as far as the age and experience argument goes...I've known plenty of ignorant old fools, Mccain is one of them.

    Plus, he called his wife both a trollop and a cunt live on the radio. What kind of man speaks of their wife like that? It's no wonder he also voted against The Violence Against Women Act.
  13. Vote Obama
  14. if i was American i wouldnt vote for either one of them. cause i cant tell difference between types of crap.
  15. Please show me any credible sources you have on these claims.
  16. don't worry

    I'm not voting for John McCain either.
  17. I hate politics because most American's talk about how much they hate both candidates and how they would rather not vote for either. Which is total bullshit on an unimaginable scale.

    It doesn't fucking matter if you do or don't like the candidates. That's what you were given. That's what you have to vote on. So fucking vote.

    That being said. I'm voting Obama but I guess if it has to be a fear inducing, war-mongerer then I'm glad it's McCain....

    EDIT: ...and not another Bush. 8 years of idiocy. I still taste the bile I threw up after watching his latest news conference.
  18. well McCain as got my VOTE.
  19. The truth is that McCain probably wouldn't do bad. The truth also is that Obama would probably do great.

    We can be sure as shit that McCain won't even remotely decriminalize marijuana though. I am almost willing to bet my bottom dollar that he would put more effort into the drug war that is already locking up a lot of brilliant young and old people and costing the country much more money than it is worth. That, in and of itself, sucks balls. I don't care. I'm still going to smoke like everyone else
  20. #40 tfunkadelic, Aug 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2008
    The Mccain Georgia link (s):

    Mccain votes AGAINST The Violence Against Women Act:

    Mccain calls wife cunt on air:

    First, video of Mccain being asked if he called his wife a count at a town hall meeting,

    And the story

    Admittedly, there's not much raw evidence on this one, but the video is pretty damning, wouldn't you say? This is the kind of thing any real man should be able to deny on the dot, which he could have done without having to actually repeat the word in question.

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