Please critique my setup pics before I start 1st grow

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by dimyself, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. I just want to verify the way I have this setup will work well... I know I need to setup ducting and look at temp/humidity to really be able to tell, but wanted to check my setup before ducting it.

    In the pic, I show air flow direction...It's not in the pics, but I will also have smaller fan(s) inside the tent. WIth the closet door closed, the temps in the tent go to about 65F. Once I get it all ducted/wired, I'll check temps with the light on. Humidity is about 50-60. Is 60 too much?

    - It is 400w HPS/CMH
    - 449cfm fan
    - 6" ducting
    - DR80 tent
    - Inside a closet
    - 1-4 plant soil grow in 3-5gallon smart pots

    thanks everyone!

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  2. 50-60 is a little high humidity for carbon filters.

    But it should be fine.

    Its a little crowded in there.

    id maybe put the fan on the outside of the tent to make some more room.

    but it seems your setup is right.

    you want Filter-ducting to fan-fan ducted to light-ducting exhausting out the top or side.
  3. Treat your heat and stink as separate "problems" and you will have better control overall.

    Don't mount anything in the enclosure that doesn't have to be, like the fan.
  4. The reason I mounted the fan inside was to try to muffle some of the fan noise in the tent instead of outside the tent. It is kind of a loud fan ( I already have speed controller).

    So other than the fan and slightly high humidity things look good? SHould I try to lower humidity a little bit or it's ok?
  5. I would consider re plumbing the heat and stink.

    If you get into adding Co2 your gonna have to anyway.

  6. What would be a better way of doing it? I wasn't planning on having co2 anyway...
  7. #7 nugz420, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2011
    If you are gonna stick with the filter>ducting>reflector>ducting>fan setup,I would flip your filter so its flange is facing your door. Then run from the filter flange to the flange of your reflector facing your door.Off your reflectors flange facing the back of your tent out the backside of the tent to your fan.Will use less ducting that way and save some stress on your fan.Speaking of fans mount the fan outside of the tent.:p

    Edit: also worm drive clamps spend the few extra dollars.
  8. I set up the lamp to draw air from the outside and then dump it outside the grow area (attic).

    The air never mixes with the grow area air.

    The grow area is fed by a timed four inch fan and is always under negative pressure so the stink doesn't leak out.


    1) 6" Vortex for lamp (heat).

    1) 4" fan to feed the grow area

    1) squirrel cage to vent the grow area (stink)

    1) 4" Vortex further downstream to vent the grow (stink) area (about 15 ft away).

    Here is a link to my rig:
  9. hmm I'mgoing to look at my setup again to see what needs changing. So it seems that 50-60 humidity is ok then...

    what are "worm clamps"? I do have duct clamps (see pics), is that what you're talking about?

    I guess I could try the fan outside the tent 1st, just prefer to keep noise down. What is the advantage of having the fan OUTSIDE the tent? Just more room tomove around?
  10. Bear in mind that once you start flowering 60% rh is way too high and will be even worse due to the water your plants will be sweating off

    Make sure to accommodate a dehumidifier in your plans ime 40% rh is the threshold for mold during flowering

  11. Outside, the fan itself won't heat up the grow area.

    Also, I use a speed control so I can "dial in" just what I need.

  12. Wow so no higher than 40% humidity during flower? In veg it will be ok at higher humidity until I can get a dehumidifier...

  13. Ok thx man.. Last time I tried the fan without speed control it is just too loud... I'll try again since I got the speed control to see if it's quieter
  14. Yeah, without a speed control the Vortex type fans sound like a jet engine.
  15. Ok thanks alot guys! i got the fan mounted last night (on top this time). It is a little louder, but i think its bearable with the speed control. now just have to mount the other stuff and get temps set!
  16. 60% humidity is perfectly acceptable. I average that and grow beautiful buds. If you have a clean sealed room like it sounds like he's trying you shouldnt have to worry about mold or pm. and some molds and pm have nothing to do with humidity.
    I Pesrsonnely draw thru my lights to the outside. I have that on a cooling thermostat and clicks on when it gets to my set temp and works beautiful. sealed rom with co2.
  17. 60% is fine. If you wanna lower humidity by 10% for 10.00 buy some damp rid, its what i use.
  18. a grow tent in a closet is kind of pointless IMO. Because for it to work right your gonna have to vent that tent, and the only place to vent is in your closet. So the hot air you vent out, it will pull back in. Now if you cut a hole in your closet, it voids the idea of a grow tent. For that tent to work properly the way you have it set you will need to vent that hot ait.

    Also if you decide to go into the attic, move your fan in there on some bungee cord, youll never hear it.
  19. Hmm, I still have some testing to do, but what I noticed so far is with lights/fan going (NO PLANTS YET), my humidity after about 30min use is 30-40%. Is this too low or ok? Like someone mentioned, when I get plants in there, humidity should go up some anyway...right?
  20. Here's what I'm currently testing... I can upload pics a little later on if it would help

    I closed ALL vents on the tent except 1 which i seal and run intake duct to my doorway. From there, I have a connector on the duct that will fit under my doorway for fresh intake air...

    I don't think it will be an issue for my fans, they are pretty powerful. I am seeing negative pressure on my tent with fan on medium speed...

    I just wonder if that intake will be enough to cool down the temp of the closet? Will this be sufficient? I will do some testing myself, but just want to see what everyone says...

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