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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by namron_420s, May 13, 2003.

  1. yall remember the black guy that i was just supposed to knock on his door? well.. my buddy and i chased a girl down that we know, and asked her if she knew where any bud was..she doesnt even smoke and she knew!! she called a guy, and put me on the phone with a girl, the black guys sister...ill call them ycart and yacts...anyway, we got an oz from yacts and rode around with ycart and smoked a blunt, then two bowls from the people, from my experience arent all used to bongs..anyway, we got him super fucked up on the was great, im still sooooooof ucking high, im going to take a shower and play with my hair while the chickens eat yellow snow of destruction...8/8 trample first strike armadillo cloaked rayncored something or other....but fuck...sirhc has a counterspell for every enchantment..fuck fuck fuck....step away from the pepe.

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