Hi everyone, im a newbie to growing and just wanted some info if you can all help me? i recently potted these cuttings and they have been under a 400W HPS with the temp around 24 and not to close to the light, the humidity is 35% which i no is bad! i have just put a 2 litre jug of water in the tent to raise the humidity in there. im currently feeding with canna A and B in canna coco. 5ml of each mixed in with 5 litres of water, also i have put 10ml of rizotonic in with this with the PH at 6.6 tested after the nutes have been added. I have some pics below, if you could help me i would appreciate it so much! its stressing me out big time because i no there not right! Ive been feeding once a day because there only small pots before i transplant them into bigger ones. many thanks in advance!! ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
you may be over watering and over nuting only water when the soil is dry 1 inch down only add nutes every other watering
Honestly I wouldn't use any nutrients for the first month...causes more problems than good in my opinion.
Thanks for ur reply, gonna chill big time on the nutes now...the rizotonic was supposed to be good for problem plants though. Ooh well!
I still haven't added any nutrients to my plants and they are 2.5 months old.. But I also have transplanted the girls 3 times. Party cup..2 gallon ...and now into 5 gallon pots.
To be honest mate i didnt know that? I aint gonna feed them no more nutes for about a week see what happens...obv if they dont receive any nutes wi they not get nitrogen deficiency??
All depends on the soil... Hell, some bagged soils can nute burn & kill a plant if it's not ready for it. If you're using fresh soil out of a bag, read it, it's probably already got lots of nutrients in it.
I have transplanted them 3 times. Soil has a lot of "food" for my plants. I'm going to start feeding them nutrients 2 weeks before Flowering.
if I hear him right, he keeps adding lots and lots more soil... like I said, if that's fresh soil, he's got 5 gallons full of nutes... that'll last a while
heck yeah they will. you're welcome! it sounds like you're going to calm down a bit on the nutes, also the amount of times watering, so the roots can get some air! make sure it's dry about an inch down on the soil before watering again...could be a day or a couple days.