does anyone else have a problem playing golf the day after the night u smoked i just cant seem to make solid contact. playing while baked is a blast to
I cheefed while I was playing once and yes it is pretty hard to make solid contact haha, I have to play with a bunch of mulligans if Im going to be baked
Old thread I know, but this is my profession, well hopefully hahaa. It all depends on how much you smoke. I remember when I was younger I'd smoke and would be wayyyy out of whack the next day, but now I can play good golf even WHILE high. I once shot 64 while high check this out: Robert Garrigus admits to smoking marijuana on Nationwide Tour in 2002 - ESPN
why? people play sub 70s all the time. i cant play for sheeit stoned, best is 82, i play off +1 so that's a long way behind for me.
just golfed high about an hour ago.. I love playing stoned because it really helps my putting. I am more inclined to take my time and think over my putts as opposed to just hitting the ball at random. I smoked before golf tryouts at my high school and I went out and shot a 42 on 9 holes which is decent for me.
I will usually smoke 4 or 5 holes in, every time I can remember recently I have birdied the next 2 or 3 holes after smoking. Golfs all about confidence, and for some reason I have it when I get that initial high after smoking.