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Platinum Grape Ape from the dispsnery

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Smokentoke420, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

  2. beautiful :O
  3. nice pics...........
  4. haha trust man, eventhe pictures dont do it justice

    thanks locc
  5. Looks great! Enjoy!
  6. that's truly beautiful
  7. Hahaha thanks again guys, this is some straight KILL
  8. Is this Grape Ape x Platinum Bubba?
  9. :eek: *jizzes in pants*:eek:
  10. holy balls i bet that nug tastes amazing
  11. Got something similar looking the other day down here in AZ that was supposedly brought from a dispensary, in fact it was so similar it's not even funny -- it was called purple diesel tho. +rep for awesomeness.
  12. Loooks PRIMO MAN.. :smoking::smoking:
  13. GOOOOD GOD... i just came. thanks
  14. niiiice. what area are you in?
  15. O...MY...GOD! that is amazing! :D:hello:
  16. hamana hamana hamana..
  17. Really nice bud and a good band!! :hello::smoking:

  18. One word.... word.
  19. Uh..uh im speechless.

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