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plastic, metal, or glass

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ScissorHash, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. just wondering everyones opinions.
    i know there are negatives for them all.
    i have mostly glass pieces but over the past few months ive gotten a couple metal ones i really like.
  2. After having my first glass bowl, everything else other than glass just tasted like shit to me. Ever since its been glass all the way.
  3. #3 silvertoker, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    Good Question MOST SMOKERS DONT KNOW OR THINK THEY KNOW Lets start with GLASS. First to make the color in glass they use metal oxides VERY BAD. Second even when using a clean CLEAR GLASS pipe large and small particles get past the screen this is the stuff you see when you don't clean your pipe thats what goes in your lungs AGAIN BAD. PLASTIC no way dont do it you will die early. METAL the only safe metals are stainless and titanium still the screen can lets particles get to your lungs.
  4. #4 eatsa pizza, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    Thats true. Id go with glass b/c you carry less risk of oxidizing glass with ur ligher, than you would metal
  5. i <3 metal. people call me stupid for it. since when is someone stupid for having a different opinion? oh well. here's my pros and cons.
    PLASTIC: pros- uhh...nothing cons- melts, burns, fumes kill ya, melts all over your hands leaving 3rd degree burn (never even heard of anyone using a plastic pipe, jsut sounds like a horrible idea.

    GLASS: pros- colorful, has a carb, taste(most people think so) cons- too big, breaks, suck ash through the hole, some can be hard to clean (glass is ok. just not what i prefer, and i hate everyone who thinks theyre a fuckin genius and im the dumbest person ever for our different OPINIONS. ive met maybe one or two people who dont immediately call me an idiot for liking metal)

    METAL: pros- doesnt break, small enough to carry anywhere, dont suck things through, easy to clean cons- taste( for most), gets hot(after you get used to it, it doesnt burn) (in my opinion, its so obvious that metal is the best. nobody else is gonna agree though)
  6. Glass is always the best. Plastic is no good, it will melt. Metal has a weird taste.
  7. Although I have never used metal i prefer glass because it looks good and hits well although it can be fragile and expensive.
    Acrylic sucks tbh, had acrylic bong before and snapped it while cleaning. It can be cheap but it does look cheap and not as smooth or cool as glass imo.
    Metal seems like it could be good but i've yet to experience it. Although the idea just seems bad because when i think of metal i think of dirty exhausts and machinery and stuff. but glass is like a piece of art.
  8. I dont mind any of them, but I prefer glass because of the look and smoothness.
  9. Paper, that is all.
  10. glass and nothing else
  11. Glass only.
  12. Rock and paper.
  13. Glass is great imo, so long as you get good quality.

    1. you can see the smoke especially if its a water pipe with a nice long neck

    2. you can see the dirt and shit and know when to clean it

    3. you/they can decorate it in many unique and different ways

    and they only time i use metal for smoking is my incognito chillum thats on my key chain =]
  14. plastic has a pro....its dirt cheap

    plus what the hell are you using to light the bowl a fucking grill how the fuck do you melt a plastic bong all over your hand??? did you stick your hand and plastic bong into a oven and let both bake for 20mins on 450 degrees..
  15. colored glass could be hazardous to you. the color in glass comes from metal oxides. metal oxides are worse than smoking out of aluminum when I found this out all my glass became art.
  16. then why do they make all the colored bowls at shops if people are just gonna smoke tobacco out of them AND the metal oxides? :confused:
  17. wood. With steel screens.
  18. Is there an article or something that you can post because I don't think that's true at all. I know that there are metal oxides (iron oxide, manganese dioxide, etc) depending on the color of the glass but, I have never seen or read anything that says that it's unsafe to smoke out of glass. Where is it saying that when you smoke, these metal oxides are shedding from the glass and going into your lungs and is slowly killing you? I just don't think that's the case.

  19. Ding ding ding! I completely agree.
  20. damn lol after reading this shit sounds like the only thing thats safe to smoke out of is paper:rolleyes:

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