Plastic Bags

Discussion in 'General' started by killermaxwell, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. Where the fuck do all those plastic bags come from and what do people say there for (there obviously not gunna say drugs, but its obvious that's what its for)?
  2. I assume you're talking about litte nick and dime bags. I've seen them at some of the more dirtier gas stations and the occasional smoke shop or head shop.
  3. I throw mine out ASAP. I don't like having a lot of baggies on me. None ever get tossed on the floor of my car, they get throwen in the trash. Don't want to get caught with multiple emty baggies on me. I don't want to ever get into a position where I could get in trouble and it either looks like I'm dealing from all the baggies, or just smoke a lot. I'd rather be able to pull off saying that it was a one time use type of thing. I actually store my bud in an altoids tin, nobody ever knows it's not altoids in there.
  4. ya, you can get em at headshops.
  5. are you talking about the little mini ziplock like bags? they have a ton of other uses, like arts/crafts, jewelry, fishing, hunting...and yeah...drugs! lol
  6. They sell them for 'Coins and Fine Jewlery'

    My friend's smoke shop has a rack of them, and the display has that printed on.

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