
Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by rastaman7777, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Yesterday I smoked a joint and I was thinking about plants. I said exactly this (I was recording myself, im not gonna post it doe) "Plants, Most plants are green, green, green, why green (10 second silence) Hmmm I see plants and most are all green except one is red, the rest are green, Some have flowers like yellow and PINK! BEATIFUL! There are good plants and bad plants.... Like good people and bad people. When we die most of us get buried, a seed is buried to grow into whatever... What if we become plants when we die, since we are buried and plants are buried within seeds to grow!, some grow food, Oh Shit............... FOOD!" -I was sooo stupid, becoming a plant? when we die? well maybe... idk really

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  2. Yesterday i was thinking itd be badass to leave in my will i want to be converted into blood and bone meal and used to grow some dank crops :love-mj:

    [Forgot to mention i took the first dab of my life yesterdy]
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  3. Have pig's and wood chipper. Will travel.

  4. I always thought when my mum said eat your greens does that also mean weed as its naturally green #mindfucked

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  5. Weed taste horrible when you eat it raw. I have made fire crackers with big pieces of weed like half a centimeter or a centimeter for each one. It got me high, but it tasted like shit it was an effort to eat the whole sandwhich, I gulped everytime I swalled and I did that vomitting thing where you dont vomit but spit. Got high but I SUCK AT MAKING WEED EDIBLES! Eating it raw wont get you high as the THC in weed (chemical that gets you high) needs to be activated through heat which is why its baked into foods with heat and smoked with a lighter!

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  6. Hi in a way we do become fetilizer. Ash if cremated which is good for siol and if buried we decay.. create micro organisms (lol i think spelt it ok) then worms eat them and create worm castings. Plus we decay into siol and become all sorts of elemants that plants eat etc... the circle of life ... xxx
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