Plants under lights?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by DJCMOE, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. #1 DJCMOE, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    What is the maximum plants you can grow under one 1000w HID light?

    What is the maximum plants you can grow under a T5 HO 8 Buld Fluorscent fixture?

    I have a 10 X 10 room and i want to grow the most i can at one shot. So everyones input will be very much helpful.

  2., this is a tough one. The problem with a question like this is, you will get as many different answers as there are different strains of cannabis. Maximum number of plants under 1000w light? I've seen 100+ clones crammed under 1000w, 12/12 from rooting, and grown in a typical sea of green. The real question is, did those 100+ clones produce as much bud as 10-20 large bushy plants in 5 gallon buckets would under the same light? Of course there's no way to know this without a side-by-side grow.

    There really is no right answer to this sort of question. In my experience, the more plants you have to take care of, the harder it it to ensure quality and yield. But it all depends on what you're looking to achieve. If it were me, with a 10 x 10 grow room, I'd use 6 x 6 for flowering in 5 gallon soil buckets, and the rest of the space for veg and cloning. I'd probably expect to fit 9-12 giant bushes in that 6x6 space. Reports differ, and I'm sure you'll get conflicting info, but in general, a 1000w light with a good reflector will cover 6-10 square ft. But as to how you utilize that space, it's all up to you. I doubt you'll find someone who can conclusively say, "Yes, method x will produce more bud per square foot of growing space than method y." Too much depends on your experience, strain, and environment.

    If it's your first time, I'd say stick with soil, and go for larger plants in smaller numbers. They will be more forgiving of any heat issues (very likely with a 1kw light) and problems won't develop as rapidly as in hydro, giving you more time to spot, diagnose, and treat any potential issues. It's also easier to extract any male or sick plants if they're not connected to the rest of the crop in a hydro system.

    Hope my 2c helps...and good luck!
  3. I wouldn't go over 5x5 area with a single 1000 watt. bombsaway already said pretty much all there is to say as far as number of plants.

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