Plants sprouting slow because of the cold?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by eastbaykushclub, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Its pretty windy and cold outside, the days are fine but the nights are still a little cold about 45-50 degrees still. but my plant just popped out the ground the other day and its making its way up pretty slow is this what the problem is? I was thinking about putting them inside at night, but i figured i t might be good to let them adapt to the outside nights... anyways just wondering, any suggestions would be cool.
  2. Good god eastbay!! Its a friggin miracle that any seeds popped at all!!!! Yes, bring them in asap.


    Timed release fertilizer is designed so that it wont release until the soil hits 70 degrees and the garden wont grow until it does. Your poor little plants must be resiliaint as hell.

    There is also the daylenth issue. Cannnabis will begin to flower if daylength falls below 14.5 hrs per day without exception. If you leave the plants outdoors in daylenths below that level they will begin to flower in 4-5 wks regaurdless of size.

    Goood luck/ch
  3. #3 mjmama25, Apr 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2013
    Don't listen to clodhopper. He's totally off base on this one. I have several plants and seedlings out right now in those same temps. Plants have been growing in the spring for thousands of years. Nothing about a 45-50 degree night is too much for an MJ plant. If it drops down down into the 30's, that can slow growth, and a heavy frost will cause damage, but outdoor plants are tough! Your spring time temps are fine. The seedling stage always seems like it moves slow but they will take off soon. Trust me.
  4. This is not true at all. First of all most of us don't use time released ferts. If you do, that's your first mistake. Not to mention seedlings don't need nutrients. Especially time released crap.

    And second, only a mature plant will flower outdoors with less than 14 hours of light. A seedling put out now is totally safe. This is the best time to start seeds outdoors iMO before it gets too hot.
  5. #5 clodhopper, Apr 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2013
    mjmamma, i know you are convinced of your beliefs. But as is often the case with cannabis growers, they belief they are seperate and different than the rest of the ag community.
    The foolish practice of germing in paper towels is another example of this misguided belief. No professional growers of anything use paper towels to germ their seeds.

    Cannabis growers arent unique and it is in defiance of long standing and basic knowledge and information disseminated among the entire gadening and agricultural communtiy in america and perhaps world wide. I only used the example of timed release ferts to demonstrate that all ag products are formulated to work at warmer temps. ALL!!!

    I have farmed for 40 years. This year i will grow 16,000 lbs of tobacco, 60 acres of corn. 100 acres of hay, 30 acres of soy and 10 acres of vegetables i sell to local resturaunts. Southern states wont even deliver my nitrogen and other chems before the soil warms. I cant even begin to consider planting my corn which is so similar to cannabis until the temps warm in early may.

    Your are correct that the plant my germ and even struggle to grow, but the stress it will suffer will be substantial and the likelhood that it wont grow is very high.

    Just because something might survive a condition doesnt mean its really a suitable grow enviroment or that it will thrive. Its my view that when compared side by side, a plant starte in the cold and another planted later when the ground warms, the later plant will always surpasse the other in every way, including harvest date.

    We havent even begin to consider the effect of auxin buildup and flowering factors and many others. Plant your plants when the weather warms and other farmers in your area are planting their crops.
  6. PS.

    I hope you will take no offense mjmama25. If i disliked everybody that disagreed with me i wouldnt like anybody!!

    Like you, im right most of the time...... arent we?
  7. Yeah I'm pretty sure I've heard people putting theres out right now. I'm also in cali so i should be good. Thanks for the suggestions both of you guys.
  8. #8 mjmama25, Apr 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2013
    Other types of farmers aren't paying $10 a pop for their seeds. That's why we use paper towels to ensure success. If I could buy a bulk bag of high quality cannabis seeds and just toss em out on a farm, duh! I would. But life isn't like that. You can't compare an MJ farmer to a food cropper. Totally different worlds my friend.

    I'm not blindly pushing my beliefs like you.. I have the plants out right now to prove what I'm telling you. Last season as well and its all documented here at GC. But you can keep talking out your ass.

    Let me ask you this... If a plant is stunted and suffers for these mild temps, how did I yield 4+ pounds of one plant that was started outdoors in these temps? Proof is in the pudding.

    And none of the plants I started later in the season came close to yielding what my early girl did.
  9. Everyone in Cali (except the far north) is putting their plants out right now. Starting seeds, putting large plant out with supplemental lighting. Check out the NorCal growers represent thread for some great grows that are already started. Here is one of my poor "stunted" plants thats out right now. You can see it struggling. :p

    Attached Files:

  10. Listen to mama. I have had 30 clones outside for the past 6 weeks with no cold or wind problems. I also have another 20 seeds all in different stages of growth ( just sprout to about a 1ft tall) and they are loving it. You living in the bay might have a bit more of the cloudy days but that is the only downside I could think about putting plants outside now.
  11. Yeah the bay is getting sunny days all thru the week. the nights are jus a little cold and some windyyy days here and there still, but overall nice weather. 10:30 am right now and theres clear sky's and full sunlight around 65 degrees right now, nice 70 degree days everyday for the past 2-3 weeks here in northern cali. ahhhh i love california

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