Plants not totally reverting back to veg

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Indicunt, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. about 6 weeks ago i switched the light cycle from 18/6 to 12/12. after 2 weeks i had sexed them and changed the light cycle back to 18/6. it has now been 4 weeks and though they are showing vegetative growth, they are also still producing pistils. can anyone shed some light on what might be going on here?
  2. They don't like when you do that. They would rather have just been growing under normal winter/seasonal light of 24-0 or 18-6, and not had someone push them to mature and them attempt to make them reveg. Revegging isn't something usually done with a preflowering plant, it's more something that is done to a plant that you liked the bud, but you never got a cutting from, so you deciede to keep it...via reveg.
    Left alone, to veg only, pistals in female plants will show in 6-8 weeks. Yours would have shown you what they were, and not have another 2 months in which to 'revert' to vegging mode.
    Live and learn. Hoping they don't hermie, good luck. Eventually, they will start growing normally, take a loooooong time. Hope this stress doesn't make for males. Again, good luck...

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