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plants leaning

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by i hate detroit, May 12, 2011.

  1. my girls budded now there heavy at the top and falling over one is leaning hard and the tip grew at an angle.. what can i do i was going to stake them is that ok will i damage the roots sticking something in there?

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  2. #2 MeanMclean, May 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I would maybe think of using some plant ties and fasten to the White rods in the corners of the tent.
    I personally wouldn't stick any bamboo etc it that high grade soil for your plants.

    Grow look good mate. 
  3. you answered your own question. next time get the stakes in during transplant so you dont have to worry about damaging roots.
  4. just put some bamboo stakes in the soil. as long as you arent repeatedly prodding and digging new holes in the soil, the roots should be fine. i personally just staked my entire flower chamber. i have never had any bad effects from driving a bamboo stick down to the bottom of the container.
  5. Bamboo shoot since the point is a tip and roots are round the roots generally slide off it as long as you do not stab like a lunatic. Get some twine or twisties and tie her to it. Your plants are big so you can also go with garden stakes you can find them at Home Depot or Lowes. They sell narrow ones.
  6. relax .. you will be just fine.



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