Plants in recirculating Hydro not doing anything?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by BlakeR, Aug 1, 2019.

  1. Hello,

    I'm new to this forum but hoping I can solve a problem. I've been growing clones in a 3 gal recirculating hydro unit for 6 years and had great success growing on my patio under full morning sun with filtered light in the afternoon.
    Last year my plants wouldn't take so I bought a 300W LED MEIZHI unit and moved them indoors, still no growth.
    This year I threw out my nutrients and started with fresh, put them back on the patio and still nothing. I moved them indoors AGAIN and although they aren't dying, but they aren't growing either. I notice no root systems developing at all after 5 weeks.
    I use General Hydro nutrients and currently mix one to one to one. I keep PH at between 5.5-6.5.
    This isn't a good pic but...
    [ Hydro.jpg
  2. So are you using the same 7 year old clones from clones from clones from clones from clones from clones from clones from clones from clones?

    Clones get tired after a few years. It's called genetic drift.
  3. No,I actually get them from a dispensary. These are 6 weeks old and just sitting tjere. Not dying but not doing anything either.
    I usually have 2 ft plants at 6 weeks. I keep the ph at 5.5-6.5 and adhere to a nutrient schedule. I change it out once a week.
    This worked great for 4 years, last year and this year, nothing.
  4. Root benificials would help. I'm a soil guy and Mykos works great to make a good root base

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