plants haven't changed in size in ten days! help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by willieb1989, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. #1 willieb1989, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    I planted this plant on january 14th and here it is the 28h so 2 weeks the plant has not changed the size for 10 days can someone tell me what i can do or is it going to start going again. all help would greatly be appreciated.

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  2. can someone please help me. idk what to do. ahhh
  3. Its just a sproutling and it looks fairly healthy...idk man. Then again i've only had 1 successful grow sooooo.... im just gonna go now..:hide:


    Water a MAXIMUM of every other other day (2 days in between).

    Dont use nutrients to feed it yet, too young.

    Keep lights fairly close to the plant.

    Keep temps in the 70-80 range.

    Ph should be around 6.5

    Just some basic tips for a plant that young.
  4. looks good, just light watering when the medium starts to dry out is all she needs at this point, I like to keep mine on the slightly moist side,,,,
  5. wait im not suppose to water them every day?? thought i was suppose to? is it every other day watering then?
  6. annnnnnnd the problem is solved. DONT WATER DAILY.



    If you water daily, the roots dont reach as far, and they drown without some air.

    Key note, Big rootball = Big plant = Big payout

    (If you dont know, the rootball is the mass of roots under the plant.)

    I highly suggest you read some stickies in Absolute beginners. its a little overwhelming to try and take in all the info at once, but it helped me alot with my first grow and it will help you just the same.
  7. let the soil dry out for a day in between watering, basically watering every few days.

    Although the plant does look pretty healthy.
  8. yeah places i read said water daily. Bc like i did that one time not water one day and soil was super dry. So how much water should i put in to keep them alive for the next day that i dont water them?
  9. my plants are 2 weeks old so i still water like 3 times a week. that makes stuff so much easyer.
  10. If you water everyday you can get root rot. let the soil dry up for a few days after every watering.
  11. ok thanks so much everyone. greatly appreciate all the help.
  12. mine are 11 days old from seed and are not a lot bigger but look healthy and strong.....have you got a fan blowing on it for stem strengh ?
  13. maybe i missed this but what type of light are u using.... how far away is it from the plant?
  14. #14 hot_tokes, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Wow :eek:

    even every 2 days is drowning that poor little thing...DONT WATER UNLESS ITS DRY DRY.

    Overwatering is the most common mistake with new's a hot climate plant really, does it rain everyday in, say, India???

    HTH :smoke:

    Edit: 300th Post
  15. mine are now 17 days old and are starting to kick off,i repotted them at 14 days
  16. I had the same problem before, what i did was repotted them into 2litre cola bottle with the bottom 3 inches cut off and then gaffer taped back on, then wrap a black bin bag around it so no light gets to the roots, after a week or so i took off the bin bag so i could inspect the roots and how moist the soil was,(was only giving them a few drops of water a day at first then just built it up day by day) knew excatly when to transplant, about three weeks with no stress at all, just take the bottom off the bottle, cut along the remaining plastic and re-pot, very easy and kind of foolproof for us beginners...

    Hope this helps?
  17. how much water should i give my plants on watering day? LIKE A cup or is that even to much:?
  18. Garfield :confused:

    OP, water until you have a good run-off coming out the bottom (roughly 30% of what you put in) then leave it until it's DRY. Continue this cycle...

  19. ok cool thanks. thats what i just did. Now i got stupid spots on my leafs thought i had it far enough from the lights but i guess not moved it another inch and half away.
  20. I think this is good advice. I almost let them show objective signs of underwatering before watering, for two reasons: 1) my soil grows take time, effort and energy to water and I don't like doing it all that much, and 2) the plants don't mind at all, they look healthy and the root balls (I take note of them after harvest) are well dispersed throughout the pot, as I think the "duration of dry" forces root growth as they attempt to seek moisture.

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