Plants getting to big

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Adam4200, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. IMG_0574.JPG IMG_0575.JPG IMG_0576.JPG Hey guys I have 5 plants 3 gelato 2 kosher kush the two kosher kush are getting huge and way too tall I started flowering on nov 13. Is this bad for the plant to be that close to the light also I have an issue with one of the gelato plants being to short so I put it on a box to make it about even height as the others is that a good move or no? Also the two kOsher kush don't really smell as much as the gelato does. I'm using floralnova nutrients for the first time as well.

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  2. They're done "growing" now. All energy will now be solely put into producing flower. No, it's not too long as you have adequate cooling within your room/hood.
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  3. You have 5 posts; why are you trying to give anyone advice when you probably don't know what the hell you're talking about?

    Adam, if you can, move your light up some. 16 inches is ideal above the canopy.
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  4. Hope it's going well for you mate

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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