Plants Can Communicate with each other

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Jaygrass, May 14, 2013.

  1. I don't doubt it. Haven't you ever seen "The Happening?" lol just kidding worst movie i ever saw in theaters. But seriously plants are incredible

  2. I believe that is very likely. I've grown several plants that do best when planted in clusters. I've always figured they like to have a community just like we do. :)

    It's fascinating to see how human like plants really are. They enjoy music. They communicate with each other. Who knows what else they are doing that we don't know about yet.
  3. I've read that plants over 10 feet apart are more likely to turn male.  (if from seed) Planting 10 and under ( spacing) produce more females. up to %80-20.
  4. Thanks Arnold.  I read that plants can read minds and shoot lasers from their pistils. jk  sorry to de rail a cool thread op
  5. #8 thaSPACEkadet, May 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2013
  6. *puts on tinfoil hat* i think aliens made plants to spy on us. :eek:
  7. I believe they can communicate, it may not be the same thing as a human thought but it probably works in much the same way. They can sense alot of things, they know how long the days are, they can sense when seasons shift, and more than likely they can tell when humans are around. (Hell, we're loud enough.)
    I usually talk to my plants, don't know if they can really hear me but that's what I was told my whole life. I think they like the company if nothing else. After growing a bunch of them, as well as watching many diverse garden plants grow, I can definitley say that plants are closer to human than anyone realizes.

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