Plants are flowering too early. Help!!!!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by nine09, May 22, 2017.

  1. Okay folks, newbie here. I know this question has been asked on several previous threads. Ive looked through all of them and cannot find a definitive answer.

    My clones have since rooted and I transferred them from indoor to outdoor. My plants have started flowering after 1 month in the dirt!!! What do I do? Leave it alone, cut the buds? What do I do?

    Am i screwed this season?

    Thanks guys
  2. Pics will help determine how far its into flower and whether it will be ok or not.

    Also depends on where you live. Here in so cal next harvest will be around october so thats plenty of time for it to reveg and recover if its not to deep into flower.
  3. @nine09
    Not much you can do this late but let them run. You set out clones to early.
    Basic rules.
    Clones destined for outside need to be time matched at 16-8 or 17-7 and set out June 1st.
    Seeds can be direct planted outside May 1st as young seedlings are not light aware-sensitive for the first month.
    Only JUNE and JULY can be counted on to dependably veg cannabis. Everything else they'll flower under.
  4. If I just let it run, what will happen? Will I get a bad crop?
  5. Lots of leafs, smaller yeild.
  6. An American Dream - White Picket Fences and Marijuana in the So Cal Sun

    I do flower outside all season it just takes some planning and a warm climate where it doesn't freeze like Southern California.
    June 1st Harvest Spring plants and setout clones for summer.
    Oct 15th harvest and set out fall clones
    Jan 1st Harvest and set out Winter run
    March 15th Harvest and set out Spring set.
    I run a small veg space on 17-7to keep the yard supplied with vegged plants and just keep kicking them out every 10 weeks in the off season sets. Plants don't get big like the summer ones do but it keeps me supplied all year.
  7. Depends how deep it's in flower but a month outside say's it's in deep enough it'll be stalled till July before it really comes out.
    Start some seeds now and fertilize em hard and get them up to 6 ft by mid July to take up the slack that is going to happen.
    I've made this mistake more times then I care to remember. Doesn't take much of a mismatch to trigger flower and by the time you see it the damage is done and it's to damned late to change it.
    They can take some gain in the hours of light at set out but any sudden increase in dark will trip them sure as hell.
  8. Lord, I guess I'm screwed this season ...are there any chemicals I can use?

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