Please read comment attached to picture. I couldn’t copy and paste the text. I’m growing in pro mix and perlite combo. The strawberry banana seems to be having some trouble. Please lmk what I need to do to fix this problem. They get flora trio about 2 - 3 times a week at half strength. I also add cal mag every other week. I’ve been doing LST for about a week now. All the plants are autos. Thanks everyone
The plant doesn't look bad, but my only guess would be even at half strength, that seems to be a little too heavy on the nutes. I also use Flora and only feed them once a week unless I see problems. Flora's a pretty strong nutrient. Good luck!
Awesome, thank you very much. I am just experimenting with nutes s as this is my first grow. I will cut back to feeding only once a week. Do you still water a couple times throughout the week?
That would depend on your area. I'm in Central California where it gets HOT and I have to water daily. Some days it gets so hot I might even have to water twice. We are looking at 108 to 110 degrees this coming weekend and I'm expecting that.
O wow I’m in Florida and it gets hot, but not that hot. Also, I’m growing indoors so I maintain around 77-80 degrees. I still notice my soil drying out pretty quickly. I’ll just switch to feeding once a week and watering when my top layer of soil is dry. Do you know how I should go about flushing the 2 with the yellow leaf tips? I’m assuming my soil PH is too high.
My bad, brother. My old eyes didn't catch the inside part LOL!! Yeah I'd probably give it water every other day or so. The plant will tell you what it wants. As for flushing, I haven't done an indoor grow in over a decade, but I was never a believer in it for any reason. Someone else might be able to help with that, but if it's me I'm just cutting the nutes for awhile and see how she responds.
Stick your finger in the containers, if it feels damp it's fine. Using Advance Nutrients here at 3/4 of what label says (MAX), check your PH they make stuff that will lower PH without flushing I can't remember the name, if I remember correctly flushing a 3gal container takes 3gal of water to waste but double check on that. As far as the tips of the leaf, if it's just the very tip tip I wouldn't worry so much about it. Here is something I suggest everybody to use to help off set the chance of a mineral defencency and overall health of all plants/mammals/fish is Azomite.