
Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by FiveOnIt, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. my plant was stolen, i'm so fucking livid. :mad:
  2. :(sorry to hear that man. karma will fuk that asshole
  3. FUCK THAT. That's like your offspring raised from sex cell to organism and someone else is gonna claim ownership? Not cool thief dude not cool..
  4. thanks for the free bud, sucka!!!

    but for real though, that blows maaan
  5. Was it in your house?
  6. i just want to know how the fuck they got through the door! there's a big ass hole in it, and it's a huge fucking door! i'll take a picture.
  7. Five let's start a lynch mob after this thief
  8. deal.
  9. I just need to find some people who own pitchforks/torches
  10. Normally i'd feel bad but you took my username so fuck you!

    just kidding, that really blows...was your door steal?

    Was everything robbed, or just your plant?

    it was likely a friend if just a plant so consider
    - who knows you grow and where its at
    - who would have the balls to do it
    - who would have a motive to do it
    - who would know your gone during certain hours
  11. LOL pics are a must.
  12. my door is just wood, but it's solid, not hollow, and it's a good 4 cm thick.

    and no one but my brother and a couple close friends know i grow... i haven't even put it up on grasscity yet!!
  13. a couple of close friends you say?
  14. I've no idea but I expected a more innocuous plant that was stolen. Like a Corn Plant or flower :eek:
  15. time for investigation.
  16. See noone would fuck with you if you would sit on your porch
    smoking a blunt with a 12 gauge in your lap.

    Seems to work for rednecks anyway...I would'nt fuck with a redneck.
  17. that's taking a bit far.. i used to own a 12 gauge but that was stolen when i lived in the US.
  18. My one and only plant, grown as a complete JOKE that turned AWESOME, was stolen 1 or 2 days before harvest. Outdoors. Bagseed turned to frosty purple.

    Worst day ever.
  19. Haha! I like that. You'd think people have shotguns to stop them being robbed, you managed to get yours stolen. :D
  20. yeah, fuck me. right? hahaha..

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