FUCK THAT. That's like your offspring raised from sex cell to organism and someone else is gonna claim ownership? Not cool thief dude not cool..
i just want to know how the fuck they got through the door! there's a big ass hole in it, and it's a huge fucking door! i'll take a picture.
Normally i'd feel bad but you took my username so fuck you! just kidding, that really blows...was your door steal? Was everything robbed, or just your plant? it was likely a friend if just a plant so consider - who knows you grow and where its at - who would have the balls to do it - who would have a motive to do it - who would know your gone during certain hours
my door is just wood, but it's solid, not hollow, and it's a good 4 cm thick. and no one but my brother and a couple close friends know i grow... i haven't even put it up on grasscity yet!!
See noone would fuck with you if you would sit on your porch smoking a blunt with a 12 gauge in your lap. Seems to work for rednecks anyway...I would'nt fuck with a redneck.
My one and only plant, grown as a complete JOKE that turned AWESOME, was stolen 1 or 2 days before harvest. Outdoors. Bagseed turned to frosty purple. Worst day ever.
Haha! I like that. You'd think people have shotguns to stop them being robbed, you managed to get yours stolen.