Planted - watering?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by dark ambience, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Hi Guys,

    I planted my seedlings yesterday - 16 of them in seed starter pots - I'm hoping to grow them out in these and then move them into a more discrete place (outdoor grow).

    I am just wondering how often I should water them at their early stage (pre-sprout). Should I be keeping that shit moist and watering daily, or every other day?

    Also, I planted them a pencil tip deep and tried my best to get the pointy side up - how long before I should start seeing some movement?

  2. seedlings dont have root systems yet, so they dont need to be watered daily.
    once every few days is plenty. stick your finger an inch or two into the soil around
    the seedling and if its dry then give them some water.
    when you planted them did you put the sprout end down into the soil?
    the way you made it seem is as if you planted them with the sprout facing up.
    also, where do you live? is it still warm/hot outside? cause for the most part
    outdoor season is closing (getting cold out) and the plants wont get the proper
    sunlight and warmth they need to grow. -Ny
  3. I Live in Australia - its just turned spring, perfect weather.

    I planted them with the pointy side facing up.. so

    / \
    |__| like that

    Hope thats right.. :\? I swear i read that somewhere.. heh..

    I'll let them roll a day or 2 before i water again - hopefully theres some movement.
  4. okay cool, so its outdoors. that will work then.
    as far as planting them face up with the sprout towards the sky,
    it really should be the other way around because that is your root.
    the leaves are still forming in the shell and will eventually force through
    the top of the soil with the shell still on it and as it grows the shell will fall off.
  5. oh damn, i guess i screwed that up somehow.. i could've sworn I read it was pointy side up somewhere... :smoking:

    Oh well, lets hope they still sprout :)

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