Plant type if possible indica, sativa, or hybrid

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Bigtent, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. So i have 2 females I bought and I got a mysterious seed too. I was wondering if anyone can tell what type this could be?
    Appreciate yall!!

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  2. The white spots are diatomaceaous earth just for prevention for a couple of weeks
  3. Very Indica-ish. Wide bladed leaves instead of narrow bladed leaves.
    If it's got any Sativa in it, it's not much.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. Y'all a scientist!! Thanks
  5. a mystery seed could be anything even a male or hemp or an auto Never know thats why i no longer grow mystery seeds its a crapshoot that being said that plant looks indica strong
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  6. i have also grown out a mystery seed that was great stuff but still not worth the energy or effort on a gamble
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  7. You do bring up a valid point! Especially an auto flower.. is there ways you can tell if one is a auto?
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  8. If you bought auto's I'd "hope" the freebie would be an auto also, same for photo's but you never know???
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  9. Well see the mystery seed ,is doing a favor for my girls dad so who knows lol
  10. if its an AUTO plant its would start flowering any thing from 3-4 weeks from planting it will start showing pistils ( white hairs ,,,,,mac,

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