long story short my plant was sick and i didn't want to flower it while it was sick, she is healthy and growing good again. I need some clones from her and she also is getting to big. i have 3 big main cola stems and i would like to cut the tops of them. Kind of like a topping later in veg so ill have the lower parts of the plants turn into main colas. Will a Plant root if it is the top half is cut off so i don't have to waste so much of the new growth? hope this makes sense i just ripped my bong. Im just trying to figure out what to do with this plant. any suggestions would be great. She is about 3 and a half feet. and the room i have is about 6' 1". and I have a 400 watt hps that takes up about 5.5" than have to allow for light/plant distance.
Hey nvmywrx, Sorry that I do not have an answer for but I was wondering the same thing but I don't want to top mine as this seems to stress my strain to much. I read on some forum a while back about the same thing and one guy said that you can take the top of your girl and gently lean it from one side to the other and bending it more and more for every time until you feel that the stem nearly "snaps"... but to me this is the same as pinching isn't it? Anyways I tried this last night on two of my girls... will get back to you in a week or so and say if it worked. Peace.
You're talking about supercropping. You can look into doing that if it's too tall. But if you need clones anyways, I dont see why they wouldnt root if you did it that way.
Me likes to learn, new term added to my vocab =) Thanks Bullistic... will look into that now at once =)