This is a 5 week old Mistery seed (haha that i took from one of my weed bags), She started to get yellow and the growing got slower, please help me to figure it out what´s happening
soil 30%vermiuclite ,30%perlite and 60% humus, nutes hi nitri 20-10-20 and CalMag15-05-15, lights HPS 150w 24h on, , temps 30º+
those nutes.... You need more P. Whats your pH going in and going out? Flush followed by the soil drying out; my plant looked like that when she was overnuted and salt-locked, and another when she had root rot. Were I you I'd amend my nute line to include more P - the hard stems and purple stems/petioles are P defic. Your leaves are sorta smallish which points to more of the same. Could have some micronute defic going on as well - Check your pH. I fixed my issue by running 1% H2O2 through the pot (leeches salts and kills baddies). Now-a-days I'd do that followed by watering with an earthworm casting tea brewed to restock the soils beneficials. After that watering with the tea, I'd let the soil dry once more as usual, and resume feeding (but with nutes cut to half strength the first few times to see if that helps - if it does, you had a salt lock from overnuting). When you start feeding again, water in to make runoff pH stagger between 6-6.3 - You want the pH of your soil zone to be around 6.5-6.6 for soil - theres a wonderful sticky pertaining to pH in this forum, read it to gauge a rough pH to fix various deficiencies.