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Plant Sex??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Kidcanabis, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Hi, wassup guys, u have a question, I planted my germinatedseed on the 4 of april, she sprouted on the 6 of april, so she been in veg. for 3 weeks and a half, wondering when will I be able to know if she's female or male?? I can put pics up if that would help?!
  2. You'll know its sex once you put it into flower. After 2 or 3 weeks you'll start to see small flowers form, which will tell you the plant's gender. If it looks like a little shiny pod, it might be male. But if the protoflower has a long pistil coming out of the middle of it, it's a female. Just keep checking on it once it's flowering.
  3. ok kool, umm when u think I should move into flower stage, and that would be 12/12 light correct? and a note thing, do u usually Prune, ya plants?
  4. It depends on the size of your plants, the size of grow space, the strain you're growing, etc. But generally speaking, once your plants are 4-6 weeks into veg, you should be good to put them into flower, which is 12/12. But remember "the stretch," once you change the lights to 12/12, the plants will stretch upwards rapidly towards your light and will generally AT LEAST double in size, some strains triple. Pruning can be done during veg to train your plant's growth into a fuller form, but once flowering is induced it's a good idea to prune away the bottom 1/3 of the plant, removing all of the small unnecessary branches.
  5. She's about, 6 inches tall, with 3 node points and one that's coming out now, should I prune now after that last node develops pr should I wait? Thanks Fo your time and help full hints dude!!

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  7. You need better lighting first and foremost. Second, it is best to veg your plants to sexual maturity before inducing bloom for best yields. To be clear, you dont need to flower to determine sex.

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