Plant really hurting please help!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by wutangg610, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Soo it's bout a month into veg n I watered it then the next day the whole plant is wilted n fucked figured culda been to much water but two days later n jus lookin worse really need to git some help n find out what's goin on any input would really help thanks

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  2. have you flushed your soil? something may have been in the water.
  3. Yea a bit it was still soaked so didn't give it to much actually jus transplanted it to bigger pot gonna hit it wit some more water tomm
  4. Think it culd be a calcium build up or some shit?
  5. Someone help!!
  6. you need to flush it with 3x the size of your pot. anyway, your plant is overwatered. just wait for the soil to dry.
  7. yessir thats it
  8. Word so goo flush shuld help it? Thanks any idea of why it Happend in the first place?
  9. wilted leaves and nothing else is, i guess, either over- or under-watering. maybe high humidity. Looks like you foliar sprayed too. Let the soil dry right out before your next water. It likes wet-dry cycles. Not being soaked from too frequent waterings.
  10. Don't over water I watered it after like 4 days n the next day it was jus wilted as fuck not overwatered n the spray was jus to help from all the leaves dryin out
  11. thats not wilting, thats clawing. way too much nitrogen is the issue I believe.
  12. See that makes more sense cuz I took them from flower back to veg they were like a week an a half back into veg n that was the first time it was feed wit nitrogen since switching back to veg
  13. I used the same amout of nutrients as usual thoo shits weird
  14. Damn weed plants always fuckin with our emotions!!! Just sweet talk her - the water and nuets for a few days then get back on a proper nuet regimen.... Good luck pothead!!
  15. it was wet and you still watered it? you need to dry your plant out before you water it again or the roots won't stretch out to find water in the dry soil. keep watering and the roots stay small... small root mass = small plant.

    stop that...
  16. Stop watering until the top 3 inches in this case is dry. Or continue to and fuck it up more. Js
  17. Noooo that was after it 2 day after it started to be all curled n shit I watered it to flush that bitch outtt

  18. oh well in that case watering's a great idea

  19. Hahaha yeah I let em git nice n dry be fore watering

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