plant problems anyone help?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by remenis, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. they were fine and green as could be... all of a sunden half of them went all droopy
    in like a day... then slowly some of the leaves started going weird and yellow with brown blotches and stems went purple and they seem liuke there stunted and stressed buit i cant figure out what is is....heres a coup[le pics of it





    soes anyone know what this is caused from?????
  2. Purple stems is a sign of deficiency of various things. Really need more info, nutes, PH, soil and so on. Looks to be outside and in the ground dirt. Could be from not using correct PH water or even lack of nutrients. If you dont PH the water it could have nute lock causing multiple issues.
  3. Ya I would go with PH on this one. you cant check runoff to see what the ph is like where your roots are so try and dig a little hole after you water and get some mud and see if you can get water out of it to test the ph.
  4. no i took one outside just to take the picture ... the lights in the room mess up my camera...
  5. next you water check your runoff for ph if high then water with low ph. I had an issure with lack ofe nutes and it kinda looked like that too but I also had stress from spikes in in a bubble bucket, I stoped growing with dirt, well I am growing in both right now and the hydro is doing better.

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