Plant-Problem Troubleshoot Chart ----Accurate?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Ltsmash2014, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Hey guys! So I've seen this chart around the internet for awhile and one of my plants is starting to look a little yellow. So that makes me want to know, is it chart accurate?

    I'm fairly new to growing so, please guru's aid me!


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  2. Well...

    To a certain extent - maybe; but none of the issues you see on the chart are not always as they appear. For example, a deficiency of one element cod very we'll be due to having too much of another element, which could lock out the first, so simply adding more of the first isn't always the answer. Another example could be a pH imbalance, which could show itself in the form of a deficiency or a nutrient burn. Simple overwatering could look like any of a number of the leaves shown on your chart...

    So while the chart can show what a magnesium deficient cannabis plant leaf might look like the answer might not be to add more Mg - see what I mean?

  3. This is kind-of accurate.  I would use these as a starting point, not a final reference.  Are you growing indoors or outdoors?  Soil or soil-less?  Can you take a picture of the leaf?  It's great that you're in tune with how your plants look and can identify something that looks unhealthy!
  4. That is great info but don't get carried away. Best advice I can give you is get a simple one step organic fertilizer..I use age old it's not expensive it's organic so it's difficult to over do it and because it organic it really don't need flushing before harvest but I do flush one time a week before harvest. So simple easy well rounded complete fertilizer and add something like Earth Juice micro blast 1-2 times a month if needed. And for flower use same brand as you did for veg. In flower formula.
    Also use good soil like fox farm or 707... never use soil that has fertilizer or time release fertilizers in it or as little as possible. Keep it simple until you have a few rounds under your belt before you play with expensive confusing nutrients. Maybe ? Try foliar feeding in weak strengths to correct deficiencies if really really needed.
  5. One more thing do not worrie about older leaves getting used up and dieing as new growth comes in. Always watch new growth for serious problems.

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