Plant Possibly Diseased

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by XryanXcoreX, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. Well i already posted before about another plant, but this is a new one, And Florida's weathers, Its bin raining for 3 days, So i finally brought it in, because of a tropical storm tomarrow, Now as you can see on the picture, (Best quality i could get) That the bottom leaves are dead looking, i can see the leaves ontop forming the acutal weed leave but there curled, But the stem is still sticking up, Its not slanted, Is it alright? New to growing, Will do some more researched after this, so i don't have problems.

    ** As you can see it looks over watered im keeping in light so the water gets absorbed, cause of the rain.

    Attached Files:

  2. It doesn't look too happy to me :/

  3. Chances of living?, I got two others that are sprouting out of soil, so it won't really matter but still i've bin growing it for 2-3 weeks kinda annoying to restart.
  4. my motto's never give up but it looks like theres at least a couple things goin on:

    the obvoius and already mentioned over watering...

    idk if its due to the highly water-saturated soil, compressing down, but i think you wanna have more soil than that if theres that much raw stem exposed...

    just some helpful words, im fairly new too. and bummer about the weather, mother nature can be a bitch huh? :/
  5. Good luck broham hahaha
  6. What's the medium, did you buy it or find it in your back yard, and do you have any drainage, or holes in the bottom of that container (and what's the container made of)?? Looks like it's been regularly getting/staying too wet, perhaps also too dry at times in between.

    Back to the container, certain plastics/glazes/paints off-gas (also known as out-gassing), even cheap hydro equipment... it wreaks havoc on your plants.

    I'd find a better container ASAP, for drainage and material-sake.
  7. I agree, your soil looks saturated with water. Keep it inside if that's the only way to let it dry out somewhat. The surface of the soil should be dry before you water.
  9. I agree with everyone else. With proper drainage you wouldn't have soil that looks sopping wet like that. Even if you have plenty of holes in the pot you still need something in the soil for it to drain properly, like perlite.

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