High everyone i have just planted 1 out of 2 seeds that i germed in a papertowl. that was yesterday. i picked up some schultz african violet plus. 8-14-9. it says to use 7 drops per qt. of water. i am thinking about using 3? so half strength. i know this isnt the fert of choice or mj, but i am wondering will it help my plant more then it will hurt it? i really apprechiate detailed comments. and yes before posting i used the search option and couldnt find anything. thanks OH.
Dude, don't give your plants any nutrients until they have 3-4 nodes. When they are big enough, only give them a quarter dose.
most people wait at least a week before giving food to there seedlings, because the husk and water leaves have plenty of nutrients and hormones to get them plant started. but i do like to add a little cal-mag about 1/4 straight as soon a it pops because most cal-mag solutions will have approx 2% Nitrogen, and nitrogen has been known to help produce females (no plants are not born male or female, there environment helps sway there plant into its sex).