plant isnt growing???

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by boatsnhos, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. i have a two inch sour diesel plant,and for the last week the leaves have been growing,but isnt getting any taller at all.Whats wrong???
  2. Going to need a lot more info before hazarding a guess. Head to the Sick plants and problems forum and make sure you give the info that is needed to help diagnose the problem. ;)
  3. It'll be a bushy girl full of dense luscious, resinous buds!
    The first month (if using soil) is definitely the slowest part of the process. But its the part where you manipulate the way you want your lady to grow. Just be patient and tend to that lady;)
  4. im on 20/4 now,when should i switch to 12/12?? like how many months?
  5. The best plants are squat and bushy.

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