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Plant Drooping!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by ryanbr_16, May 2, 2016.

  1. I have a plant 2 weeks and 3 days into flowering and it starts drooping like the below pics. The lights are 4 cfls equalling ~260 watts. [​IMG]

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  2. Are you over watering
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  3. More info needed. Temps? There a fan? And yeah watering? What's the nutes?
  4. I dont think? I water about half a water bottle, then let it dry out and then water again. The bottom 2 first leaves are yellow?

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  5. What are you feeding it? Could be some heat stress, kinda looks like they are foxtailing.
  6. What does foxtailing mean? This is my very first grow. She is a female. It appears to be indica dominant? Im going to the beach on june 15. Do you guys think it will be done and still have a week for drying?

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  7. Its an organic grow, NO nute whatsoever. Just a first grow to see what i can get

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  8. I think we ran into a road block here. You can be organic yes, but you still need to feed the plant with using organic things. The plant will still need food at some point. So if your lower leaves are yellowing and dieing off I think your plants hungry bud.
  9. Depends on your budget and what you can get. I am not 100% keen on good organic nutes as I use GH nutes. I think General Hydroponics has an Organic line as well, I have never used it though. Fox farms works (Though pretty sure its not organic atleast the tiger bloom if not mistaken) Best to look around the forums or wait for another person.

    But I think your issue atm is heat (looks like foxtails) add a fan, if possible a temp gauge(most important). How far are those bulbs? And it looks like it's starting yo get hungry with the yellowing starting on the bottom fan leaves.
  10. You are correct man. Im home now. I just checked them and shes in her dark stage. The leaves are perked up and happy as can be.

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