New grower here that's learning as I go and having a blast. Got young veg plants in 3 gallon pots. A couple days ago on one of the plants I noticed yellow tips (small) on some of the new growth and some of the mature leaves are curling down. I truly cant point out what caused it is but this is what I've broken it down to. I really like to get everyone's opinion and remedy. 1. Light Nutrient Burn. 10 days ago I transplanted from 16 oz cups to 3 gallon using Foxfarm. The same day, I added 2mgl each of Hyrdophonics Micro, Bloom and Cal Mag in 1 gallon water (Ph 6.7) I've heard of people burning thier plants and gave it a low dose but could the nutrients, but could my lie dose still be too much with the Fox Farm Soil nutrients that the plant didn't get a chance to use?? How do you truly know when to start using liquid nutrients? Or when the plant is done utilizing the soil nutrients? How do you test the soil ppm? 2. Overwater. As a new grower I thought it was standard to water the plant at least every 3 days. I did the knuckle test to see how dry the soil is. Let's just say I never let the soil dry out, giving it a little water at a time and as much as half a gallon. So it's really good to let the soil dry out? Is it still good practice to go a week or so without watering. Is flushing the soil because of nutrient burn the same as overwatering? 3. Stress. A couple days before I noticed the yellow tips, I did my first top. Not only have i noticed yellow tips but a slow in growth. (Just did my first LST earlier this evening.
That be the nutrient tip burn. Specifically nitrogen toxicity aka “the claw”. Nothing you can do to correct the damaged leaves, they’ll probably end up drying and falling off. No worries. Just ease up on the nutes or even go plain water for a while. FoxFarm is considerably hot (nutrient rich) soil. Always good to plain water only for the first couple of weeks when using that soil + anything bottles purchased from a grow shop. It’s OK to feed with scientific natural ferments right away because those are a completely different animal than bottled nutes, but for your scenario, just stick to plain water for a while. Gently ease back into feeding in 1-2 weeks. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I may agree with the medicated Warrior on possibly having a little bit of nitrogen toxicity but after reading what you would said about you never let the soil dry out that also looks like you got over-watering issues as well they look similar in the diagnosis of your leaves and it can be tricky. I suggest letting it dry out for now let the soil go back to dry. Only water when the plant needs water don't assume that it needs water every 3 days that's a No-No only water the plant when it needs it. Some plants are more arid than others with that being said the toxicity is a possibility. I'm not doubting that but it also looks to be like it's drowning and I've been there and done both good luck my friend Happy growing
Thank you for taking the time. Both responders. Far as watering and letting it dry, I also believe u have watering issues. But would it be okay just to do a flush once the soil dries? Or would it be okay just to water.