u talking bout the stem? then yea its normal. the leaves personally i would leave it alone. but some so the more experienced blades can tell subtle differences in the leaves and add or subtract nutes. but yea im not there yet.
This would be a good one [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Soil-Light-Tester-Plants/dp/B0036LA9RY/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1296523601&sr=8-5]Amazon.com: Digital 4 Way Soil and Light Tester for Plants and Lawn - pH, moisture, temperature and light level: Patio, Lawn & Garden[/ame] But you can always go with something less pricey
using FFOF. Put a pinch per 36 oz of grow big over a week ago. since just water with distilled water. plants are in 8" and 10" pots.
thanks for responding... im not to the point where i feel it needs to be flushed; just don't want to be overlooking something either.
I don't think you've got much to worry about, just flush when you feel it's time and you should be fine. Looks good man!
This. PH FIRST! Don't adjust any kind of nutes until you know what your PH is at. If PH is the problem, adding more nutes will not fix it, and will cause even more problems than you already have. It doesn't look like Nitrogen deficiency to me. N problems are more uniform. If anything it looks Magnesium deficient, which makes sense because you said you are using distilled water. Distilled water must be supplemented with some type of Cal Mag product. First check that PH. Do not do anything until you do. If your PH good, it's most likely a Magnesium problem imo. Good luck.
i think your right..upon second review.....yeah mag issue...get ph gear or quit waistin your time...try 1/4 table epsom salts per gallon .....its still early stage..lose the distilled water..it just causes trouble
... Tap water here is off the charts. So, distilled gives me a better shot at making the ph level 'average'. I took a cheaper route and bought the tablet ph level meter that matches a color chart .. simply 6.0-6.9 7.0-7.9 etc... with distilled and grow big; it falls within range. I wasn't aware of this "OTHER" problem with distilled. What does the cal n mag supp do to ph levels? follow feeding(dosage) schedule according to bottle? much appreciated everyone!!! +reps
i used to run distilled on my early grows thinkin' much like you are now...but distilled lacks trace elements and minirals the plants need....not many farmers are runnin' distilled...one of the first things to pop up is cal/mag issues..have never had them myself but many people struggle endlessly with it
So 'ph down' using tap/filter water? Then I won't have to struggle with cal/mag issues* Here is a pic of her today... She has a home all to herself! (private thought.. friggin better be a girl...)
yeah..my tap is 8.0 ph and about 420ppm..real crap...then they put chloramine in it...so i have to get a water conditioner i use each watering to remove the cloramine..if your tap has chlorine just let it sit overnight........take your water that sat out......add your nutes...check the ph...adjust the ph to where you want it..about 6.8 for soil..and water..i find lower ph increases the chance of males..thats just my thinkin'.... ..i like to water to 20 % run off..this means let the water run out of the bottom of the pot for about 20 seconds...acts as a mini flush and rinses away toxic salts...this is your run off..you will want to ph test this once in a while to see the ph of your soil...just takes practice but is so important one of my sensi skuck #1 sprouts at 32 day..already topped and lst'ed good luck...pm me if ya need help
Pretty much yeah. If you want to fix the current issue quickly you can foliar feed with a weak solution of Epson salt, but that isn't a long term fix. Also, do yourself a favor and invest in a real PH meter.