plant budding to early

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Ulisesdec16, Jun 19, 2023.

  1. anyone know why my plant started to bud too early? i’ve had it on 18/6 schedule from the beginning. i’ve never seen this before switching to 12/12 cycle

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  2. Maybe you got an auto by mistake?
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Maybe, but it still doesn't look right.........perhaps terrible genetics from a shady breeder??
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  4. Like Forest said shit happens. :confused_2:
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  5. humbolt farms seeds
  6. LOL its Humboldt and I promise there is not a Cannabis seed Co here in Humboldt county Nevada.
    There is a Humboldt county California and a Humboldt county Nevada, both named after the Famous Explorer Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt.
    That is how the word Humboldt is spelled.
    Like anyone gives a shit.
    Alexander von Humboldt - Wikipedia
  7. You said you ran her 18/6- how long was it on that schedule.
    It could be just on your part if it's 30 days old.
    So need to know how old plant is.
  8. it still has 3 point leaves and is so small that i personally would not waste anymore time or energy on the thing and start over
  9. Yup Shit happens... Could be a bad seed ? I've seen it before and I'll see you again I'm sure of it. It happens. Sometimes you win most of the time you win. But sometimes you get one of them duds and it just happens to be shit. ??? Yank it out and start over. When you grow from seed you always take a chance of what's going to come out in the wash...:GettingStoned:
  10. After looking at your plant again I can see you started LST way to early on that plant.
    Pulling her over that far that young stressed it out enough to stop growing.
    I let a auto grow for about 19 days then top them and start LST after the branches start to grow.

  11. No I don't believe that's a factor.

    Yes giving autos a little more time before manipulating is probably best.

    Stressing the cannabis plant out causing it to flower??? I'm in serious doubt of that. Only because I've practiced it on thousands of plants without no mishaps...

    Manipulation of the cannabis plant Auto or photo is a great benefit to growing this plant.

    The stress causes defense mechanisms which causes the plant to create more THC or cannabinoids and more bud sites depending on the type of stress that you're putting on the plant subject. Rather it be LST or EST, Super cropping, Strong UV in flower, and so on. All these manipulation techniques have great benefits when growing the cannabis plant.
    Like growing apples or peaches or grapes or corn or any plant that we farm that has been domesticated we've manipulated it to grow like we want and to create the best and most fruit that's possible from such plants, the cannabis plant as well is now in the category of domesticated plants.

    But the author of this thread he didn't specify that this was a auto plant. He didn't say. That factors unknown. ?

    Ive stressed out lots of plants Auto and photo.

    I've grown thousands of plants over the year's never seen that scenario ever play out and cause a plant to flower early because of manipulation.
    I have seen a plant many times be stressed and cause seeds. But not early flower do to manipulation.
    But only due to light change or bad genetics and sometimes the feed... But Many times just do the bad genetics. When you grow from seed you always press in your luck. UGH...

    Light change is usually the culprit to early flower. Light stress causes a lot of mishaps. And it can be just cuz of the plant is finicky or very sensitive to light change. I've seen this happen so many times. UGH

    I had an outdoor crop about 5 years ago that I started on April 20 in the northern hemisphere. The days were too short and I wasn't adding enough supplemental light to make up the difference at the time and the plants all revenge. At that time I was doing light deprivation. Luckily I was able to pull those plants out and restart a new crop by the end of May and still practice light deprivation n was still able to still get two crops out that summer...

    So this is my two cents worth of experience for you whether you take it or not I don't care. I've just been there and done it got a couple of t-shirts now. So anyways have a good one.

    good luck and happy growing.
  12. A auto usually starts to show it's sex at day 30, so if you stress out a auto to stop it from growing it's still going to show sex at day 30 big or small is what I'm getting at. I just started a journal on a auto doing 12/12 to show they still produce a good yield.
  13. Ok but author never said it was an auto plant or photo.

    That's an unknown factor.
  14. True , will have to wait and see what he says.i just assumed it was a auto because he was running 18/6
  15. 1 month
  16. not a auto
  17. 1 month old, been on 18/6 since beginning
  18. I've never seen a photo flower under 18 hours of light, may of got a auto seed in your seeds. Just my opinion
    • Agree Agree x 1

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