planet earth and animal/earth documentaries in general.

Discussion in 'Stoner Movies & Documentaries' started by Acidpoptart, May 8, 2020.

  1. I fucking love watching documentaries like planet earth and such. I always have wondered what kind of cameras these guys use to get such fluid and high definition pictures of animals from so far away. I mean they are able to record fucking spiders and ants to the point you can see the individual hairs on them!? I seen one that was talking about two ant colonies and somehow they managed to get a camera inside the colony hive and record as another colony took over and dismembered then ate the queen shit was crazy. what are some of your favorite animal/earth documentaries or scenes you have seen?
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  2. Ive seen that one with the ants mate.
    Love all that shit. Was obsessed with beasties as a bairn and ended up as a pest controller a while back.
    Ive got stuff there called fipronil. Get 1 drop in the path of 1 ant and it carries it back to the nest.
    Pretty quickly it gets groggy and then dies.
    Easiest way for the ants to get rid of the dead body is to eat it so about 20 of them set to work. Then they die and get eaten by 400 ants Etc etc.
    Takes 5-7 days max for the entire nest to eat itself and ive lost count of the amount ive nailed with literally 2-3 drops.
    Just got one in my garden 2 weeks ago.

    Its facinating how all these micro creatures live. Cant get enough of it.
    I can tell you fuckin anythin about rats and mice. How they eat, sleep, feed, drink, breath, breed, move, jump, think.
    And thats the sort of knowledge the guys in these programs have to get the footage they do.

    These camera crews are guided by dudes/dudettes that have dedicated most of their lives to studying the creatures they follow.
    Guys that live and breath animals and can get inside there heads to know where theyll be at what time and why.

    Fuck i miss pest control sometimes.
    Its a bit wierd at first killin animals all day long but it gets addictive learning about it all. The psychology and biology of animals is crazy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. that is crazy. so the insecticide is pretty much a virus towards the ants. lmao fipronil, the ants bubonic plague. rats and mice and rodents in general are some smart mfkers. I saw a video of a hamster that snuck past I think another hamster to feed on some plants and get candle wax. It's amazing how smart they have became over the years. saw another of a fish I think a grouper? it has learned to change it's camouflage to communicate with octopuses and the octopus does the same back to signal it heard it. the fish then pointed it's nose down where the prey was and they essentially teamed up the octopus went over to where the grouper pointed and the grouper went to the other side of the coral to cut off the exit and the octopus baited the fish to the groupers side so the fish could eat. I found it so amazing on how two completely different species have learned to cooperate and actually communicate and plan a tactical hunting plan with each other.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Ive been watching some ofnthat shit recently too mate. Prawns that clean the mouths of fish n stuff like that.
    I always remember when i was primary 3, about 7 years old. We had to do a poetry recital for Rabbie Burns Day. An old scots poet.
    Mine was about a crocodile and his life and the line ill always remember is.
    "A wee bird reds them up you see.
    saves me money, a dentists fee."

    That was my first realisation of the strangr relationships animals share.
    Crocodiles lay with their mouths open and wee birds fly in to have what they consider a free buffet...
    from the leftovers stuck to a crocodiles teeth...
    Inside its mouth..!!!
    I was hooked from day one. Well, year 7. Im 35 now lol.
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  5. Well its god knows what day of the week. 7am and im ruff as fuck..can mean only one thing.
    David attenborough! Woop woop!

  6. I saw the bbc doc on the "condors of sth america"
    in 4k and 3d and half a sativa
    it was mind blowing
  7. Haha brilliant when you get those moments eh.
    Sittin half melted, mouth open in aww, glazed expression like you just saw a talking duck. Brilliant haha
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Mind the attenborough one with the lizard being chased by snakes that won loads of awards...well it turned out he cheated. The footage was a digital mash up. One video of the lizard running and one of the snakes. Cheeky bastard. Still awesome though.
    Folk dont half moan about the wee things when he does stuff. Mind they were all kickin up fuck with the same series when it was underwater. Accusing him of falsifying things cos there was the sound of bubbles ubder water.
    Like yeah mate. Lets just not put any sound effects in and sit in fuckin silence.
  9. David Attenburough - The life of plants is a good series. In one it shows how 1 plant gets nutrients from rat shit that falls into it when the rat eats on it like wtf kind of plant needs rat shit, interesting though.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Never mind eating rat shit, theres plants that eat rats! Big smelly, bell shaped buggers that could literally scran a small dog. Thats fucked up man.
    How the hell does a plant learn to eat animals? Like how is that even possible?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. I've heard of them but never seen much about them, like how they snare the rats etc.
  12. Cant find the giant ones but lots of places selling smaller, insect feeding versions for like 40 bux. Might have to get one now lol.
  13. THIS. This was such a great fucking series. You would think a doc about plants would be boring as fuck but stoned out of your mind it just baffles you.
  14. birds are amazing man. I do find it interesting though how when the babies are learning to fly the mothers literally make them jump off cliffs. take the arctic geese videos for instance. that shit is almost unbelievable how they can manage to take such impact with no broken bones or even fractures.

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  15. the lyre bird is probably one of my favs second being the bird of paradise which has a bio luminescent kinda camouflage under it's beak and it's wings and it makes a face when it dances to attract mates. or the drongo bird who tricks meerkats with warning signals and can even imitate the sound of a meerkat warning signal to steal food. fucking smart little fuckers i tell ya

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  16. What got me with the condors, was watching the little bird leap of an impossible cliff
    with the camera following the lil guy 500 plus feet straight down
    in 4k ...3d stoned I got air sick
    had to replay
    had to replay
    had to replay
    had to replay
    had to replay
    had to replay ...etc
  17. how do you think they can survive such falls? they have to be going 90+ mph when hitting the rocks
  18. most don't hit the rocks but do hit the thermals
  19. If we asume the bird weighs about 200g, the video says its 400ft. That would be 176km/h for a solid smooth object.
    That poor wee bastard was flappin its little wings all the way down though so be a lot less. I noticed they land flat on the belly too and theyre quite chubby so reckon the drag and the bounce just happen to be magically preportioned.
    Did you spot the one that gets eaten by a crow 30 seconds after landing lol.

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