*plagiarism* On other Forum!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by jolly_jon, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. looks like someone posted one of the six way to make hash on another forum
    and to me, that is shitty, someone put time and effort in making a tutorial and someone just steals it as there own

    see for yourself...


    this disgust's me
  2. maybe its the same guy?
  3. i dont think so
    he didnt know his facts
  4. If he didn't know his facts then how is it plagiarism?
    I think a number of people already know at least one of the ways to make hash, and if someone posts one of the ways, maybe thay already knew it?

    I'm not sure I understand what your saying. I am pretty sure there has already been a guide on this forum explaining hash, yet the thread on six ways wasn't plagiarizing them.
    I'm pretty sure no trademark infringement happened.;) As I'm sure the poster of the six ways wasn't the inventor. Did he give credit or have a biblio for reference?
  5. i think the guy ripped off the photos and used his own descriptions, not sure though
  6. If it wasn't copywritten how can it be plagerized? Isn't the whole to share information?
  7. its still wack to take a tutorial made by someone else, and jack their pictures and try and pass it off as your own in another forum.

    I mean if it is a different dude, then hes getting +rep and credit thats not his. If it was really about "sharing information", then the dude should have said this was taken from "_________" and linked or gave credit to the OP.
  8. it may not be plagerism but its still not cool
    he stole the exact photos and when people asked him like how much he used he bullshitted answers like when someone askes how much he uses he says "and used about 1/4 ounce for this tutorial and ended up with about 3-4 grams hash." bullshit
    and you can tell he was gonna use the other ways of making hash cuz he says shit like "oh im going to have more pictorials up soon for 5 other ways of making it"
  9. i mean its just not right
  10. thats pretty lame of him

  11. Unlike a trademark or a patent, any work produced by an individual is automatically protected by copyright, regardless of it is specifies so or not. Check your intellectual property laws.

    And yes, this is blatent plagarism. NOT because he also instructed someone on how to make hash, but because he copied someone elses pictures without permission, and thier writing without permission and (the important part): is claiming it as his own, as if he took the pictures and wrote the article. Textbook plagarism.
  12. dude that asshole stole a tutorial made my our thread posters, we shoudl say something about that!
  13. The truth is out. ;) It wouldn't be such a big deal if the dude just linked his post back to here, but to steal all the pics and change around some of the captions is definitely plagiarism.

    EDIT: duckfool hit the nail on the head
  14. Well Ollie Cromwell (Admin over at DNB) sent me a PM apologizing to the originator of the thread after Knox and I gave him some shit. The thread got deleted (of course) which I guess is the most efficient action. Though I'd really like to see this motherfucker explain himself. Cunt.

    For those of you who didn't get to see the thread (as you won't find it anywhere) it was bad. This loser was pretty much getting his dick sucked by all of those plebians at DNB and even made a joke that he might "make a 12902394 ways to make hash thread." Nothing pisses me off more than this, if I were Ollie, I would ban that motherfucker no questions asked. Actually, I would leave the thread open and allow everyone from GC to grill this motherfucker while he drowned in his own arrogance like the piece of shit that he is.
  15. I got that same PM Ruse, glad to see their admins took it seriously, but I would have also liked to see that thread stay open for a little while longer ;)

    I couldn't believe he was just eating up all their compliments and acting like he was king shit. And that guy seemed to post a lot of FAQs and stuff so I wonder how much of it is going to turn up as other's work.

    The things people do to gain attention :rolleyes:

    Also, Ollie mentioned in the PM to pass his apologies along to GIMpy12, which I thought was a very nice gesture.
  16. they should have left it open, and just edited it with the proper credits.
  17. yeah i was looking and wonderd why it got deleted
    yeah i posted on there about how much of a coward he was cvlaiming it was his own and i posted al ink back to the original thrwad here, i hate people like that its so fucking stupid
  18. screw dnb anyway, they suck
  19. I also got another PM from one of their super mods telling me that not only is the mod in question (YES, he's a mod) being questioned about this incident, but they're also investigating all of his other FAQs and guides to see if he's ripped anyone else off.
  20. wow, someone going down with the ship.

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