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Places you have hotboxed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DivineFlame, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. what places have you hotboxed before? strange, different or just normal!

    I pretty much do cars, once a cardboard box :smoke:
  2. I accidentally hotboxed my house lol
  3. Many sheds, a closet, a toilet in a restaurant in Prague and in a car at a parking place in my hometown, when we rolled up the window so much smoke came out it was insane.. We were with 5 people inside the car and we had 7 fat joints going (we all had one weed joint, and 2 hash joints were passing around the car) man could hardly breath in there hehe..

    Also a small room in my old high school :) .. That one was real fun but we only had one small joint because it couldn't take too long of course..

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