Places To Smoke In The Netherlands Other Than Amsterdam?

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by captain_bakewell, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. I'm all for Amsterdam don't get me wrong, 
    \nBut me and my friend are looking for somewhere a bit different that still has good coffeeshops within the Netherlands. 
    \nWant to hear about anyones experiences in places other than Amsterdam!
    \ncheers guys 

  2. #2 bizzy93, Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2014
    Nice question would like to hear that too! Preferably a quieter, not so urban place
    Also I want to know if it is still legal for foreigners buying in coffeshops. Anyone knows that?
  3. To my understanding, it is still fine for tourists to purchase cannabis in coffee shops in amsterdam, but many places in the netherlands you cannot, just not sure exactly where. 
  4. Until only a couple years ago it was perfectly normal to go into a coffee shop in the Netherlands and order a joint. Thanks to ignorant Americans going over to Amsterdam and making fools of themselves, many of the laws have changed and it's pretty hard for Americans that are not citizens to access marijuana legally in the country. 
    Last time I was there in 2010 it was pretty easy to obtain cannabis. Worse comes to worse you can always ask. 
  5. Unless you are in Amsterdam...It is super easy to walk in any coffee shop there and buy your cannabis...I actually didn't get carded at one coffee shop out of the 10 or so I went to last week and I'm only 25
  6. Actually the more ignorant ones are usually the Brits. Blame the laws on the neo conservative religion based politicos. Its still pretty easy though. In the north of the country they just ignore the government. Any fair sized town has at least one coffee shoppe. In the south if you're not Dutch forget it. 
  7. Good to know....I haven't been there in 4 years and have only been keeping up with recent news articles and the news so this is very informative. I must have been watching an unreliable news source like........ just about anything on a mainstream news network these days. Gotta check those facts...
  8. Haha very true...The articles said the same thing when I was planning my first trip to Amsterdam three years ago, but it was just as easy this time and man did I buy a lot of really nice bud :smoke: Missing it a lot now that I am back i Jerz
  9. There's a town called Breda which has a fair few coffeeshops and is not as busy as Amsterdam. Rotterdam is also a great place to go for some great windmills and weed. I wouldn't say it was the new Amsterdam however it's a nice visual change.
    I have been going Amsterdam  3-4 times a year for the last 6 and have not noticed any change in the way the bud is sold or to whom it sold to... locals and foreigners alike. When speaking with coffeeshop owners and staff they say that talk of cannabis being a domestic only product is perhaps a scare tactic to drive up tourism during off peak times of the year.
  10. haarlem is about 25 minutes away from amsterdam and is a really nice town. 
  11. Been there. Yer absolutely right!
  12. You can buy weed in almost every city. Only the coffeeshops around the belgium border asks to show a membercard. Im not sure if this policy is still active since i live in amsterdam. The netherlands got around 600 coffeeshops and 220 of them are located in the capital, amsterdam.

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