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Place of peace

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BuddhistStoner, May 11, 2011.

  1. I hope everyone is having a good wednesday morning. Keep smoking until night fall. Life is short

    [ame=]YouTube - Bob Marley - Place Of Peace[/ame]
  2. ive been stressin since yesterday, can't find any bud, got my power disconnected on me, just been a shitty... but listening to this song gave my morning a little livity and helped me remember whats important, thanks
  3. Sorry you are going through some shit. I hope you can find some bud and get your electric on. glad the song could help a little.
  4. Just smoking on my last few bowls. Lovin the song.
  5. Just rolled a king size joint. Need to go to eye doc first to do exam so cant blaze again till after lol.
  6. Haha every time I feel like shit it's stuff like this that gives me a newfound hope towards humanity.

  7. his shit can give you chills and make you cry. real shit. damn i am so high from drinking this bhang tea.
  8. #8 Nswanson37, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Bob is tha man :smoking:

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