Good morning GC community! Is there anyone familiar with Pittmoss? Any experience using ? Any wisdom on using in a living soil blend? I’m looking to try this in a recycled set up, any suggestions thoughts or wisdom is appreciated!
never used it...I remember when it came out on shark tank...thought it might be a hero....but maybe cuban invested in a zero?
BB just got bag yesterday really like the texture, so far it’s all I can say about it. My next run I believe I will do one of the ladies in a 50/50 peat/Pitt blend. Do a side by side, from their site it suggests cutting back on “nutrients” and since I’m running organic I think I might try all my amendments at 1/2 of my original base starting point. They (pittmoss) suggest reducing by whatever % volume that the blend will consist of. Being a wood product I’m hoping that it will bring lignin, cellulose, and labile (probably not how you spell that) carbon to the table. If nothing else if it don’t add up guessing I can feed it to the worms.
So here’s what I’ve come up with so far. I put 4gallons of Coast of Maine lobster compost, approximately 2 gallons of pittmoss, 1 gallon of par boiled rice hulls in a tote with a 1/2 cup of mineral blend in a tote with 1/8cup karanja meal, 1/8 cup kelp, 1/8 cup alfalfa ( was going to do 1/8 cup of crustacean meal decided against it since it’s already in the compost) and will do another 1/8 cup each when making final blend and adding malt. barely at 1/2 cup. I will be making 2 cu ft of mix altogether for 2 x 8gal grow bags. I put eh.. somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 wigglers in the tote to work through this mix for maybe 3 months , let the worms romp through this for a bit and see what it comes out as. I will mix my peat portion 50/50 with pittmoss and throw some more hulls in it for good measure. After I get it altogether let it rest moistened ( water in with act) then send a sample off to Logan labs just for curiosity sake!
Oh and I don’t intend to do no till in this , have considered it but I believe this might be best used as r.o.l.s