Pitbulls & Potheads [POST PICS OF YOUR PITBULL!]

Discussion in 'General' started by LiLSTONERGiRL, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. So I wanna start this thread because I love my pitbulls and want to see some other people's pitbulls :D

    Kilo= female; 7 months; 45 lbs; seal/brindle
    Scooter= male; 5 months; 60 lbs; white & black








  2. lol is your dog doing a handstand in the second pic?
  3. haha no she can jump like 5 ft in the air so she was jumping up for her ball :)
  4. I just want a damn dog :(
  5. hahashit my bad.. soo cutee i love dogs haha

  6. go to your local animal shelter!! lots of animals need to be rescued!!! Or look on Craigslist. thats where I found mine :)
  7. Well the problem is that I have no way to support one

  8. ahh yeah that could be a problem. lol
  9. That is the cutest pit I've ever seen.

    I'm hoping you've raised it properly.

  10. Oh most definitely! They love people and love going to the dog park and playing with other dogs and they are great with kids :) Pitbulls are amazing dogs and no dog (pitbull or not) is born mean or aggressive, some humans are mean and make their dogs like them. But they're both just spoiled rotten :D
  11. Man I want a pit so bad, yours are adorable.
  12. what truly beautiful dogs! i always hear how terrifying and badass they are, but they're fucking adorablee awwww!
  13. I have a American Bulldog ? Does that count ? :smoke:
  14. There are some nice Pits in NC. My sister and brother in law iive in 'boro. She got her masters at UNCG
  15. Those are very cute dogs.

    I wish I could get one as well.
  16. I love pit bulls! I want to see more pictures! lol. I thought there would be a lot of people posting pics :confused_2:
  17. This is stella, shes comin up on a year and a half now. Best dog I have ever had though

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  18. Not a pitbull, but my favorite dog in the world: my blue Wiemaraner.



    Note: These are NOT my pictures, but she looks exactly like the ones in the pictures.
  19. here is Chong. His brother Cheech got taken by the pound for biting someones arm :(


  20. Beautiful animal sir.

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