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Pissin My Pants

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ghettosmurff92, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. So im not an apprentice toker, but what happened was I went to study abroad in Israel for 4 months. While there i only smoked cigarrettes and hookah. but now that im back i've decided to stop my T-Break and start smokin again. but some wierd shit has been going on. I have been getting some fire dank ass weed lately. but it sometimes gives me a headache and a stomachacache or i feel like im pissing my pants when im not. these effects have never happened before, and i thought yall would be able to help me out on this one, cause i have no idea why its happening.
  2. thats some good coke that makes you shit.....:p
  3. Try actually pissing your pants?
  4. This thread is epic.
    Stop gettin your pants wet brus. No offense.
  5. no i have never actually pissed my pants. i get high and it makes me feel like i am when im not. its fuckin wierd and i dont like it.
  6. Try another strain? Sorry I can't be much more help but this is a true "First" for me, I've never heard anything like this.

    Happy Toking!
  7. i want what you got
  8. supposedly that happens to some people on shrooms. dunno how that piece of information is supposed to help you but w/e
  9. How long was your t-break? :confused:

    Depending on how long it may have been, the effects may be very strong for you, especially if you are smoking potent Cannabis.

    I, personally, given the information, would diagnose this as a mental problem. I believe that you can change these feelings if you stop thinking about them, and keep yourself occupied. By worrying, and even creating this thread, I feel you may be accentuating the problem.

    Just smoke less, and try to relax more. Tell us how it goes. ;)
  10. that pissin myself feelin has happened before, i went to the bathroom 5 times while we were at mcdonalds and let a little leak out one time before i could get to the urinal haha I was reaaaaaaal zooted
  11. Bro no shit? I thought i was the only one. i figured out it just feels like that cause your legs are going numb so dont concentrate on it and just go numb dont worry you wont piss yourself haha

    Smoke on :smoke:
  12. Hahaha I used to get the same feeling when my tolerance was low, felt like I was pissing my pants, like my nose was running out of control, etc. You were just really baked man
  13. I'd be trippin the fuck out.
  14. my girlfriend says she gets the same feeling so she never smokes pot because she's afraid she'll pee.
  15. This happens to me all the fucking time and I hate it. Just keep yourself busy and try to ignore it.
  16. Used to happen to me a bit when my tolerance was REALLY low. Just ignore it and it'll go away.
  17. This happens every time I come back from a T-break and smoke indica, it's a common effect of getting high as fuck :)
  18. you are really high!!! and hookahs rock dude
  19. smoke less potent bud haha or at leastuntil urtolerance builds
    thats the only thing i can think of

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