Ok...so I'm piss shy, and currently on probation for about 2 years...drug test twice a month. So far, they have respected my issue and will "strip search" me and allow me to go in the bathroom alone, but today they were very hesitant....saying the courts don't want them to do it, and that the next time i come i need to do it the regular way....when i tried to explain that it was pretty much impossible they just told me to "get over it" The first few times I went and they wouldn't let me do it, I'd come in (not having pissed in at least a day) with my gut about to burst...couldn't even walk properly, and STILL couldn't urinate with someone behind me in the bathroom....I figured they got the point after that, but it seems i'm fucked....what the hell can i do? anyone else have experience with this?
"get over it" bro, its not like they sit there and analyze your dick and watch you piss, they stand behind you, dont even look at them and just do your thing man. its all mental.
and how exactly do i "get over it" ? its not like i'm TRYING to hold the piss in, i just doesn't come out...you can't force out piss if it won't flow naturally, when i get to the seat it just feels as if i don't even have to go. i've stood in that bathroom for like 20 minutes before with 0 results, and gone in multiple times in a day and nothing happened.
Damn that sucks. It's gotta be hard to do then. What if you went into the bathroom after being thouroughly searched and they know for a fact that you don't have any other kind of urine to sneak into the cup? If there's no way for you to fake it in that bathroom, then why do they have to be right there?
Because you can. me and my buddy got tested in the place where you go if your on probation (we weren't on probation we just had to go for a certain reason to get tested) And we delt with the same thing. We had some of our friends clean piss and we told them that we were piss shy and they beleived us. They let each of us 1 at a time alone in the bathroom. There were no mirrors reflecting in front of you, no cameras. We made it out clean
maybe you just gotta get piss drunk with your boys and go squirt on a wall in public worked for the 40 year old virgin. . . your not a forty year old virgin, are you?
no, i'm an 18 year old non-virgin...i just can't piss in front of strangers......andi would get drunk before i go in, but they make me blow too...
that has nothing to do with it....think of it this way would you be able to piss yourpants in a public situation? for example, in the mall...or the middle of a crowded classroom.....its just like that, its something you train yourself not to do...mentally, so when you are in a "public" situation you are incapable of urinating.
that realy sucks man, the courts can be realy rigid and will try anything to get you to violate probation so you have to stay on for even longer.
yeah man i have the same problem. i just think happy thoughts and think about fluid. also, read up on wikipedia on how your bladder works, and then think of the process while trying to piss. it helped me.
if i had to piss y es i could piss my pants, but i wouldnt want to deal with having pissy pants one other person isnt really public, nor are they staring directly at your dick their behind you, so its damn near the same as say your pissing in ur bathroom and someone is standing right on the other side of the door, they cant see your weiner regardless if their behind you, so whats the difference if theres a wall/door there or not
Look dude, i can't explain it....all i know is i could walk in with a full bladder about to piss myself, and when someone is right next to me nothing comes out....and there isn't anything i can do about it..
Paruresis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paruresis) Yeah, it's a bitch man. I have it too. It's essentially the only social anxiety I have that I have not been able to defeat permanently. Sometimes I have no problem taking a piss while other people are around, yet other times I can stand in that stall, close my eyes, think all the happy thoughts I want to, go to any imaginary place in the world, it just won't come out. It's a real pain in the ass that you just have to find your own cure to.
yeah man, i can pisss in front of my friends no problm...but with a stranger its completley different, it just won''t happen....i feel like there is pressure on me to piss and so i can't relax my body and it doesn't flow out.