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Piss Test Debacle

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by fratrat, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. #1 fratrat, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    So here is the story...

    I was a chronic smoker for 3-4 years and started to taper off beginning December 09
    Last smoke was 1/11/10

    I was hired by a car dealership 1/14/10 and took a piss test at approximately 5pm that day
    Following up to the test I had drank A LOT of Gatorade and water that morning as well as 4-5 beers that afternoon.

    When I found out I had to take a test later in the day I ate 4 Excedrin approximately 1 hour before test and drank a liter of water followed by 3-4 8oz cups of water and about 16 oz green tea while waiting to take test.

    Gave a midstream sample at the testing facility. Immediately following the test I purchased a home test from Walgreens and took it in the same fashion, using a midstream sample. The test showed Negative.

    This morning I bought the same test again and gave my first pee of the morning and used the beginning of my stream. The test was very much positive.

    Biological Info: 6' 180 pounds, I would say higher than normal metabolism. I can eat like a 300lb man and still maintain my weight. I don't exercise aside from daily, vigorous sex.

    .....So, what do you think? Will my lab test come back negative or positive?

    Educated guesses, past experiences, general tom-foolery, mockery, and all other comments are welcomed and appreciated.

  2. Well... as long as the lab test doesn't come back as "diluted" you should be fine. You obviously weren't clean, but you might have diluted your urine enough to show clean, yet not show diluted... it all depends.

    What state are you?? (Just wondering, you are also in my profession)
  3. Please let us know how this turns out!

    When I lost my job last October I immediately stopped smoking. I abstained for two months! Thank God because an amazing job opportunity came my way, and of course it required a urine test. Since I had been clean over a month at that point, it came back negative.

    With you being a chronic smoker, having your last smoke a mere four days from your test, I would say the outlook is grim...but I am pulling for you! As others mentioned, if it doesn't come back "dilute" you may have a chance at passing this thing.

    Good luck!
  4. Thanks for the responses guys... How long does it usually take to hear from some one?

    Also, for an added twist, my last smoke was in California under doctor's recommendation (legally), could this change my situation if my test comes back positive?

  5. I took a lab test not long ago and it took roughly a few days to get back. But some labs take up to two weeks to get results back.

    Unless you are in a MMJ state, then I'm pretty sure no... I mean it's worth a shot if you do fail, but I don't think so. I could be wrong.
  6. Not unless you're in a state that specifically protects medical use in other states... which is not likely. In WA there's no law protecting MMJ users from drug testing. The MMJ law only provides for people with a doctor's rec. to possess up to a certain amount.
  7. #7 zpyro, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    There's also no protection in California. We can thank Ahnold for that one :rolleyes:

    AFAIK the test being positive in the morning would be b/c THC is fat souluble and will stay in your system being metabolized over time. You may have masked it for the test, but over time all that other shit was filtered out, leaving your piss with nothing but what should be coming out (including the THC)

    Dunno where you are, but I always suggest using a good synthetic, rather than trying to flush yourself. It just seems to make more sense using something that is made to pass the test and not really worry about it, rather than stress over whether you flushed well enough or not. The one I used was normally $40 but was on sale for $20 at the local shop
  8. Any updates? Did you pass? I imagine you would have found out by now.

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