so on our beer pong night, ace was pukin in the toilet, and i had to piss so i pissed in the bathtub. this sparked a conversation about weather or not we piss in the bathtub when we shower,. but regardless of what your doing, do you piss in the shower, bathing or no?
i always piss if ican sometimes i bring a bottle of watter with me when i swhower once when i thought i had to fart in the shower i found out it wasnnt that it was something else heehhe
I always piss in the tub while in the shower or bathing. I will go out of my way to piss while bathing, due to the fact that fresh human piss is scented all over my body, it keeps the dogs away.
"They're all pipes!" I just make sure not to hit myself with the stream. Having a dick is nice so I can aim right at the drain.
I do when it comes around. I have a window in my shower, too. So, when I have to go and it's hot, I piss in my neighbors yard out my window. I've hit her more than once.