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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mcskinny, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Hey ;D

    Ive never actually smoked from a pipe before, But as it was payday the other day i thought id pickup a cheap one to try out, was looking through and saw this one - Looks beautiful and the reviews are pretty good too.

    Carved stone shotgun pipe - English -

    None of my friends smoke from pipe's so im at a loss of how to do it haha, Im sure i can find a video on youtube but yea - Any tip's on other shit i need to buy, How to clean it etc etc

  2. first time i used a pipe i didnt know about the small hole you have to press down on when your lighting the bud(idk if this is the case for all)

    oh and corner bowls for more green, just light from the side of the bowl instead of on top so you have more green for the duration of your session.

    in fact you just inspired me to smoke out of mine........brb minions :hippie:

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