
Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by aivaras, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. well im pro at pipes :D so gonna share with beginners of makers.
    Wooden pipe:
    wood pipe(such as bamboo)
    screwdriver thingy :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wt_4fU3zyVY&feature=related you can see that in the video(metal thingy)

    how to make:
    take bamboo and make one side open.
    then make a hole(bout 1 inche from the opened side)
    put the metal thingy in the hole.
    thats all.
    you can used can to make filter or watheva.

    sorry bout bad(really bas)english.so for apologise i maked a picture:


    can make a pvc pipe.same but use pvc pipe or pvp.
    i pefer wooden cuz it doesnt melt and dont have strange smell.
  2. or buy a really well made good one for 10.00 and not waste your time buying bamboo and shit
  3. I'd stick with school.
  4. this is a bubbler with a bowl carved from plum wood. the body is 3 sections of bamboo.

    oh and a piece of gum

  5. ^^^That bowl looks like it could hold a crap-ton
  6. like 3 or 4 grams

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